Page 63 - vol 1
P. 63
Hollywood Stars
alika Deriaz was born Mixing ballet, dance and acting she In love with acting, she’s been in so-
in 1996 in Antanana ri- created alter egos who are now me music videos and short movies
M vo, Madagascar. Adopted the fa ces of her performances. which got prices as “British film festi-
by a Swiss family she grew up in Ge- val, London independent film festival,
neva and moved to London in 2016. “Malika is the leader but London music video film festival...”
Finding a passion for living arts, she leka is the performer, with her apparition in Crash Landing
started violin classes when she was model or actor” in collaboration with One Eighty
6 years old, then ballet pre pro fes- production.
sional classes in her teenage time. In 2016 she finally moved to Lon-
don to start a career as a freelancer In late 2019, she opened an agen-
“ballet and violin helped me perfomer. cy which consist of persona lized
to focus as a hyperactive kid” coaching for young artist who
want to start a career as freelance
performers. The goal of the agen cy
is to push young people to make their
passion lucrative and being more
creative than commercial.
Since 4 years now, she is working as an
independent model and the next plan
is to write a book about how she uses
her multiple personalities into her art.
“my goal is to help people
with dissociative personalities
to use their trauma
to express themselves”
Waking up on the daily at 5am The main part of freelan ce
wasn’t a difficulty as ballet was one modeling consist of doing
of her best ways of expression. tour in United Kingdom
Her schooling has been affected and in Europe, traveling
by ADHD’s. is the easier way to find
jobs with creatives from
The death of her biological mother many culture. The trips
affected the end of her studies, she can be considered as ope-
experienced depression and had ma- ned doors to an inspiring
ny attempt of suicide, after few years switch of atmospheres.
of psychiatric therapies, she found She enjoys working from
a way to let her pain out trough fashion up to art nude.
living arts.
“being free to share my art
With that been said we can easily is a blessing to me, I am
understand at which point her art tells glad to be part of the fine art commu- Malika has a bigger plan for her ca-
us particularly Visually & creatively ni ty where I can feel free to express My- reer. As she mentioned modeling,
a shareable life experience. self“. Working as a full time model, she dance and acting are just steps
had the opportunity to work at Lon- to build a whole concept.
“ I wouldn’t be able to find don Fashion week and had appa ri-
so many ideas without my tions in magazine such as Marika
dark thoughts from the past” and Vogue.
№1 | 2021 63