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                     FASHION                                                                                                        She’s currently working on a new novel,

                         MODEL                                                                                                     a romantic comedy about a young model

                                      to                                                                                                    in Hollywood in the 1980s.


                                                                                                                                                                     from Asheville, where they both grew   is  an  adult  paranormal  romance  set
                                                                                                                                                                     up—she retired from acting and dec­  in her fictional town of Hogback whe­
                                                                                                                                                                     lared herself a full-time writer.  re lots of folks seem to have a sec  ret,

                                                                                                                                                                                                       and Smit ten with Kittens in the De sert
          Susan McNabb began her unusually long                                                                                                                      Susan wrote  “Tryon  Diary”, a weekly   is  an  adult  contem po ra ry  romance
                                                                                                                                                                     newspaper column for the Tryon Dai-  set in  Phoenix  that includes  a family
          Hollywood career as a model, and now she                                                                                                                   ly Bulletin, “The World’s Smallest Dai ly   of feral cats Susan encoun tered in her
                                                                                                                                                                     Newspaper”,  in  which  she  chronicled   new desert life.
          writes  about  it.  Her  latest  book  The  Opposite                                                                                                       her adjustment to small-town life
                                                                                                                                                                     in North Carolina after living in Los   In January of 2021, Susan put on her
          of Famous, A Hollywood Memoir is a collection                                                                                                              Angeles.                          nonfiction  hat again and pub lished

                                                                                                                                                                                                       The  Opposite  of  Famous,  A  Holly-
          of  hilarious  essays  about  her  three  decades                                                                                                          She published her first book in Tryon,   wood Memoir as Susan McNabb.
                                                                                                                                                                     a vampire romance called Drop     She  tells  true  and  funny  be hind-
          in Los Angeles working as a model, commercial                                                                                                              Dead Gorgeous, as Suki McMinn. Her   the-scenes stories about her life

                                                                                                                                                                     hot leading man is a model in L.A.   in  Hol lywood  —  how  she  started
          actor,  film  extra,  and  in  various  other  jobs,                                                                                                       who bites. While in Tryon, she also   modeling,  moved  from  North  Caro-
                                                                                                                                                                     published two volumes of her news­  lina to California as a young  wo man
          including stand-in, photo double, and road                                                                                                                 paper  columns  as  Susan  McNabb:   with nothing but a dream, built a li fe

                                                                                                                                                                     Tryon Diary and The Complete Tryon   working  in  front  of  the  camera but
          manager for Halloween icon, Elvira, Mistress                                                                                                               Diary.                            also taking other industry-rela ted
                                                                                                                                                                                                       jobs, and then traveled with Elvira all
          of the Dark.                                                                                                                                               Susan’s  husband  got  a  new  job   over the country as her road ma na ger.

                                                                                                                                                                     that took them to Phoenix,  Arizona,   She  met  all  kinds  of  people  and  fell
                                                                                                                                                                     in  2015.  Missing  her  little  mountain   in  love  with  a  young  come dian  who­
                                                                                                                                                                     town, she created the “Hogback Series”   se career sky-rocketed with his hit TV
                                                                                                                                                                     of novelettes. Set in a fictional North   series, Seinfeld.
               hile living in Los Angeles, Su-  While still working in front of the ca-                                                                              Carolina  town,  The  Vampire  of  Wal­
         W san rubbed elbows and other      mera, Susan began writing at the age                                                                                     ler  County  and  Christmas  in  Waller   Now,  Susan  is  still  in  Phoenix,  but
          bo dy parts with many interesting   of forty-nine and fell in love with                                                   You can visit Susan at:          Coun ty are cozy mysteries that fol-  spends  her  summers in  the  cool
          men, including Jerry Seinfeld for eight   it.  She  started  writing  fanfic tion                                        low the adventures of a young vam pi­  moun tains  of  Tryon when  she can.
          roc ky years. Now, she’s happily mar­  and soon found herself creating ori­                                               or on Facebook, Instagram, or    re adjusting to his new circumstan ces.   She’s currently working on a new no­
          ried to a man she met in high school   ginal fiction as Suki McMinn.                                                      Twit ter. She’s also easy to find   Susan’s brother, artist Corey McNabb,   vel, a romantic comedy about a young
          and splits her time between Phoe nix,                                                                                     as Suki McMinn. Sign up for her   painted her characters and created   model  in  Hollywood  in  the  1980s.
          Arizona, and the tiny town of Tryon,   In 2011, when Susan and her hus band                                               newsletter at                    the book covers for the series.   She  loves  to  write  what  she  knows
          North Carolina, in the foothills   decided  to  move  from  Hollywood                                                                                      best. She also still publishes a “Tryon
          of the Blue Ridge Mountains.      to Tryon — just down the mountain                                                       Susan  also published  two  short  sto-  Diary” column in the newspaper when
                                                                                                                                    to get her latest news.          ries while living in Phoenix.  The Iris   she can.

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