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Balayage and Blonde hair color.
日本では 13 年、シンガポールは 2 年半、ロサンゼルスに 1 年勤務、美容師歴
史はトータルで 16 年になります。(2021 年現在 )
海外での就労経験を生かして、現在下北沢にある Hair and Make brat で、主に
日本に住まれている外国人のお客様を担当しています。brat は創業して以来、
15 周年を無事迎え、姉妹店である Pinok studio/ Los Angeles は 3 年目に入り
大切な事は一つ。 自分の志は何か?
1. 美容業を通じて世界中のお客様の幸せにする事。
2. 日本人美容師を海外に送り出し、日本、アメリカ 両者で私達が考える日本
4. 日本、インターナショナルな美容の技術やサービスを学ぶ場所を作る事
沢山の人達に支えられた 16 年間、未熟な私に協力してくれたスタッフや関係者
I have been working as a hair dresser more than 16 years.
I have worked in Japan, USA,and Singapore as a hair stylist, where I
had the opportunity to learn and gain experience with both Japanese,
Asian and Western hairstyles and hair types.
Brat hair salon has started its business 15 year ago in Tokyo and 3 years
ago in Los Angels. model : wakan
I would like to use the opportunity to thank for the patronage of my
My profile clients.It was 16 years of support from our customers and most phot : Yuk
importantly, our staff.
With the Corona pandemic in Tokyo and Los Angeles with lockdowns
Yuki Takeuchi and national emergency declarations, we are in the midst of a business
crisis that we have never experienced since the establishment of the
Shimokitazawa Hair Make brat Hair Stylist company. However, we managed to turn this crisis into an opportunity.
We took the first step into our second year today.
What will we leave behind and what will we keep for the survival of the
This is going to be a year in which we will have to reevaluate everything
we have done since our founding and rebuild our business.
There is one important thing to remember.
What is your ambition?
I want to go back to the basics and change my soul's aspirations.
CONTACT bringing smiles to people all over the world.
1.Bringing the world together through the beauty industry and
2.We send out Japanese hairdressers all over the world to create a
system where they can learn to build a bridge between Japan and the
rest of the world.
3.Create an academy association to learn about beauty techniques and
I would like to express my gratitude to all the staff and related
companies who have supported me for 16 years.
Thank you all for all the people in my family who have always
supported me.Thank you all for your support.
Brat/Pinok Studio stylist
Address 1/2F 2-37-17 Kitazawa,Setagaya-ku, Tokyo-to 155-0031 Bicycle Lawson Shimokitazawa model : Sach
phot : Yuk
first town
Every Tuesday / 3rd Monday
business hours AM 11 : 00 ~ PM 9 : 00 Starbucks
organic spa &care Mujirushi Mizuho East Odakyu Line
CUT/ 20 : 00 P・CL /19 : 00 Straightening/ 18 : 00 Digi P /18 : 30
Last reception If you are using permanent and color at the same time, it will be one hour before each reception time. West exit BANK exit
S I MO KI T A Z A W A Payment Cash and various credit card handling SHIMOKITAZAWA st.
exit Inogashira Line
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