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VALIMOR When create VALIMOR? and Swiss watchmaking to add ma ga, Zenith, IWC, Panerai and more.
Since the start of VALIMOR in 2018,
mers, they also offer Custom Ma de
watch. The automatic mechanical
they have launched 3 models on Kick ximum value into every single wrist As a Premiere service to their custo
starter with increasing success. mo vement from the re nowned mo- watch leather straps made to cus
Their first model, the Caliburnus ran vement pro ducer STP and MIYOTA tomer’s exact specifications.
Why is it called VALIMOR? What the brand name means a successful campaign that more delivers the precision and attention
Up-and-rising brand VALIMOR focus on the combina- than doubled our fundraising goal. to detail that defines Swiss and Ja Brand position in 2021:
tion and harmony of the old with the new. It create Through their brand philosophy, panese watch making. The super lu- Up-and-rising brand
a stunning and original watches that are sure to get they re ceived the support of Dustin minous are sourced from Swiss Rising brand
you compliments. Poi rier, the #1 in the UFC Ultima te manufactu rers to ensure perfect vi-
Fighting Championship lightweight sibility in life’s darkest moments.
The VALIMOR watch brand name is de rived from VALIant and #7 in the UFC men’s poundfor
and arMOR. Life is a battle and even if you are not a war pound in the United States. He served Each watch also includes Austrian
rior, you must fight for a lifetime. as the brand ambassador for their Swarovski Crystals, Japanese NBR rub-
first watch collection — Caliburnus. ber strap, Italian leather straps and
Why create VALIMOR? And they received the honor to be na hardwearing metals, like 316L stain-
All of this originated from their passion and enthusiasm med the trustable independent watch less steel. In addition, eve ry VALIMOR
for medieval art. Through intense studies of history, exa- brand by Giorgia Mondani. Ms.Mon- watch is careful ly assembled using
mination of ancient weapons in European museums, dani, who was reported by New high-precision Swiss watch making
York Times, native of Genoa, Italy, tools by renowned Swiss manufactu-
knows more about watches, espe- rer BERGEON. Through ri gorous se lec-
cial ly Rolexes, than almost anyone tion of ma te rials, and the utilization
in the indust ry — except, perhaps, her of inter national product methods,
fat her, the well-known expert Guido VALIMOR aims to offer an incredib le
Mondani. value for your money. Each watch fea VALIMOR Japan、株式会社ロヂナ
tures completely genuine and origi- 代表取締役の水口と申します。弊社は
Who / Where create VALIMOR? nal designs unlike anything you’ve 海外メーカーの総代理店として、小売
VALIMOR is based in Hong Kong ever seen. Those high-quality watch 業を営んでおります。日本には未だ販
and was founded by Raymond Jones. that gives you the confidence to step 売されていない商品を世界各地から
With fifteen years of internatio nal out side the lines and stand out from 輸入し、日本のお客様との架け橋に
and spending countless hours, trials and errors trying watchmaking expertise, they create the crowd. なるべく努めております。
to connect all these impressive design elements into high quality wristwatches with true
a watch of only a few centimeters, their efforts have fi nal ly mechanical movements and designs Valimor Studio and other services: 私自身、海外の映画を鑑賞する事が
merged into a unique watch unlike anything in the inter that are uniquely their own. They don’t Their team has over 15 years 好きなのですが、この腕時計を見た
national watch industry. follow fashion trends or replicate of experience in the watch industry. 瞬間に一目惚れし日本での販売を決
classic designs form the gol den Along with selling a variety of high- 意致しました。ごつごつとした、西洋
age horology. Instead, they deliver quality VALIMOR watches,they also の建造物を思い浮かべるデザインを
exceptional value for the mo ney pro vides a range of watch repair 大変気に入っております。時が刻むの
in both design and func tio na- services and customize leather strap をずっと見ていられる時計です。
lity. VALIMOR mechanical watches service.
are re fined, 100% original and full 高級腕時計のブランド「VALIMOR」
of unique details. VALIMOR obtained They offer a full service watch は、戦士の精神を表しています。人生
design trademark and pa tents in all repair which including compo nents は戦いであり、たとえ戦士でなかった
27member states of the Euro production, cleaning and oiling としても一生戦い続けなければなりま
pean Union (EUIPO Design Patent the mo vement; refinishing dials; po せん。VALIMORは、最高の人生を生
#0047422940001) for its designs. lishing and shining cases; straigh きるために大切な2つのもの、「勇気」と
tening and reapplying hands; crown, 「戦うための装備」を提供します。
VALIMOR is a watch & jewelry brand stem, plating and mainspring rep-
that creates 100% original, unique lacement; and more. They specialize 朝、腕に付ける時に今日も頑張ろう
designs with high-quality materials in mechanical watch repair and ser- と、あなたを励ましてくれる腕時計を
and exceptional craftsmanship. They vice including high end watch brands 提供します。
fu ses the best of Asian, Ja pa nese such as Rolex, Tudor, Cartier, Ome-
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