Page 25 - 365Art+ Vol2
P. 25

“Control” is concept that lies at the   There  is  a  notion  that  the  univer­
                                             heart of my work. All of us ha ve   se consists of two opposite forces,
                                             the desire, consciously or not, to cont­  Yin and Yang. I think control as well
                                             rol the environment surrounding    as  has  two  facets,  which  coexist
                                             us or the conditions affecting us.  and ru le together. Humans have tried
                                                                                to dominate nature. At the same ti­
                                             My works are the results of calcu lated   me, humans have the wisdom to li­
                                             hazard. During the creation pro cess,   ve in harmony with nature.
                                             it is essential to rely on calculated
                                             control. At the same time, but     Being  endowed  with  this  dual
         本当の自然体とは彼の                          in oppo sition, uncontrollable chance   approach, how can we improve how
                                             is  equal ly  important.  I  believe  that   we live with nature? How can we stri­
         ことかもと思わせる存在                         only when these two factors are pre­  ke a better balance?
                                             sent I can create a work of art truly
                                             touch people’s heart.              I hope my work will make you reflect
                                                                                on this question.


                                                                                            №2 | 2021
                                                                                            №2 | 2021       25
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