Page 9 - 365Art+ Vol2
P. 9

                                                                 «TOOLS AND PEOPLE»

           同世代の仲間。いつもス                       The  making  of  things  comes  after   Instead, we have sewing and cutting
                                             the making of people.              machines that are often main tained,
           ピーディーに誠意ある                                                           and also cutters that we are used
                                             Automating  the  sewing  of  gloves   to using. Although our factories only
           対応に感謝                             is said to be very difficult. The pro­  have  about  100  people,  our  emp­
                                             duc tion process involves combining   loyees are both serious and skilled
                                             various different materials, delicate   sewers and cutters.
                                             sewing along the fingers, adornments
                                             that take balance into considera tion,   We have formed a system where local
                                             and also the finishing touches so that   people are always working for Ku ro­
                                             it fits onto a hand. Tools that are often   da by having local sewing schools
                                             maintained and the skills of people   teach how to make gloves. By peop­
                                             are needed for those processes.    le learning how to use the tools
                                                                                and skills related to sewing, they also

                                             Kuroda  has  factories  in  Japan,  Chi­  learn skills and do production cont rol
                                             na, India, and Myanmar. None of our   at the factory even after gradua tion.
                                             factories have state of the art heavy   Kuroda’s gloves are  produced from
                                             machinery, and we also do not emp­  factories that are supported by “tools
                                             loy thousands of workers.          and people”.

                                                  THE FIRST IMPRESSION              <由利さんとの出会い>
                                                       OF MR.YURI
                                             The  first  time  I  met  him  was  a  joint   由利さんとの出会いは、2012年3月に
                                             exhibition  at  the  JAPAN  booth  イタリアのミラノで開催され た第101
                                             at the 101st MIPEL THE BAG SHOW    回MIPEL THE BAG SHOWで
                                             held at Milano in Italy from March   JAPANブースに合同出展したことでした。
                                             2012. He was a tall guy with  long hair,
                                             who had a great presence that I ha ve   背が高く長髪で私が今まで見たことのな
                                             never seen before. However, contra­  いほどの存在感がありました。
                                             ry to my first impression of him, his
                                             performonce manufacturing is de­   ですが、彼に対する私の第一印象とは違
                                             licate and highly imaginative!     ってモノづくりに対する彼のパフォーマン


                                                                                            №2 | 2021
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