Page 14 - Ankur Magazine 2022
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faiths and geographical areas with a common - being there for them in any way and still doing
goal – to shine and bring pride to our families. the best you can. As the Head Girl, I am extremely
It fosters a culture which is intrinsically unique fortunate to have such a unique opportunity to
support, help and encourage our students in their
and accepting. aspirations for the future. Whilst the role requires
After giving my two years in the School hard work, dedication and a lot of commitment, it
Editorial Board, I can say that there is a treasure is incredibly rewarding and fulfilling to help make
of talent in our school and this magazine gives a difference, even in a small way.
Now, coming to the editorial board, I am
all the students a great opportunity to showcase extremely proud of you all. Working with so
their talents. I want to congratulate all the much zeal whilst carrying out a fairly difficult and
members, editors, vice heads and cub reporters important task shows how dedicated all of you are
and all this hardwork is going to be worthwhile.
for being a part of this process. I have full faith I hope all your expectations/ideas regarding this
in you all and I know that each one of you is magazine come to life and this magazine is the best
giving your best and that is what matters the among the best. This magazine is going to contain
most. many literary writings of the teachers and various
students. The literary writings are going to include
Last, but not the least, I believe that we are stories, poems, jokes, essays etcetera - so it’s going
like water; it does not have any shape but molds to be a wholesome read.
into the shape of the container where it turns Lastly, I would say, enjoy your school life to
out to be. Similarly we’ve to mold ourselves the fullest because once it’s over, it’s not going to
come back and while doing that, make sure that
into a different and better person every time to you are pushing yourself to be better academically.
achieve our goals. I wish you all the very best You can do so much while you are in school like
and I hope that each one of you enjoys to the studying, being good at sports, painting, public
fullest. Trust me, school life goes like a tracer speaking etc; its all about striking a balance. Once
you learn to do that, there is no going back. All my
bullet. So, cherish each and every point of your best wishes to the upcoming batch. I hope everyone
school life. has the greatest time here at DPS and you all know
the joy of being a DIPSITE.
Thank you all
Thank you all
For Success,
attitude is
important as