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8/4           W01/March 2017  Award in General Insurance

                        A2C Common subject-matter

                        For contribution to apply, each insurer must provide cover in respect of the subject-matter of insurance
                        which suffers loss or damage. This is frequently some form of property, but could equally apply to a legal

                        B     Application of the principle of contribution

                        We have seen that insurers contribute to a claim on the basis of what is termed a rateable proportion.
         Insurers contribute to
         a claim on basis of
         rateable proportion
                        B1 Rateable proportion
                        Rateable proportion is the share of any claim that an insurer pays when two or more cover the same risk;
                        usually in proportion to the respective sums insured. We are going to look at two possible ways of
                        determining the rateable proportion of a claim, namely:
                        • by sum insured; and
                        • by independent liability.
                        B1A Sum insured method

                        One method of calculating the rateable proportion of a loss is by apportioning it in line with the sums
                        insured under each policy. The rateable proportion is calculated using the formula:
                            policy sum insured  × loss
                         total sum insured (all policies)

                         Example 8.1
                         Find a contribution condition on a standard fire policy and see how it is worded.
                         Policy A sum insured   US$20,000
                         Policy B sum insured   US$40,000                                                        Reference copy for CII Face to Face Training
                         Total sum insured      US$60,000
                             policy sum insured  ×
                          total sum insured (all policies)  loss

                         The proportion of the claim paid by policy A is:
                               =  1 3
                         Policy B pays:
    8                     40,000  =  2
    Chapter               60,000  3

                         Question 8.2
                         Assuming a loss of US$15,000, how much would policy A pay and policy B pay to the policyholder if policy A has a
                         sum insured of US$20,000 and policy B a sum insured of US$30,000?

                        This method of assessing contribution is used for property policies which are not subject to average and
                        which have identical subject-matter. However, the sum insured method ignores the fact that different
                        restrictions, such as average (or an excess), may apply to each policy.
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