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vi            W01/March 2017  Award in General Insurance

                                        Chapter 6 self-test answers

                        1.  The active, efficient cause that sets in motion a train of events which brings about a result, without
                           the intervention of any force started and working actively from a new and independent source.
                        2.  To ensure that the intention of the parties to an insurance contract as to which perils should be
                           covered prevails.
                        3.  A direct chain of causation.
                        4.  Insured, excepted/excluded and uninsured/unnamed perils.
                        5.  The loss is not covered.
                        6.  The loss following the excepted peril is not covered.
                        7.  They cover only losses caused ‘solely from a particular peril and independent from all other causes’
                           or exclude things ‘occasioned by’ the particular event.                               Reference copy for CII Face to Face Training
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