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1/2           W01/March 2017  Award in General Insurance
    Chapter             Introduction

                        In this chapter, we will look at the concept of risk and how it is perceived, as well as the different
                        categories of risk. We will also explain how insurance acts as a risk transfer mechanism and introduce
                        the main classes of insurance.

                         Key terms
                         This chapter introduces the following terms and concepts:
                         Attitude to risk    Co-insurance         Dual insurance      Equitable premiums
                         Fortuitous events   Heinrich Triangle    Homogenous exposure  Insurable interest

                         Law of large numbers  Peril and hazard   Particular and fundamental  Pure and speculative risks
                         Risk management     Self-insurance

                        A     The concept of risk

                        The word ‘risk’ is used in a number of different ways in the world of insurance and we need to look at
                        each of these in turn. First, though, we will examine the term in its everyday sense and here we find our
                        first problem: there is no universally recognised definition for the term.

                        A1 Risk perception

                        If you were to ask anyone what the term ‘risk’ means to them, you are likely to receive a wide variety of
                        answers – anything from a business owner being concerned about the possibility of recession to worried
                        parents concerned about the kinds of danger faced by their children. In fact, the list of risks that we face
                        is almost endless.
                        In a personal sense we all take decisions based upon an assessment of risk, most of which are carried  Reference copy for CII Face to Face Training
         We all take decisions
         based upon an  out informally. For example, before we leave home in the morning we will often assess the likelihood of
         assessment of risk  rain and decide whether or not to take an umbrella with us. There may be some data involved in this
                        decision (a weather forecast, for example) or we may have merely looked out of the window to make our
                        own judgment about the possibility of rain. This informality is acceptable in ‘low risk’ situations where
                        the ultimate calamity is, in this example, wet clothes, but in many contexts we need better measurement
                        tools, especially where the potential for loss is significant.
                        Risk measurement and the means of attempting to deal with the risks we face are collectively termed
                        risk management. In a commercial context, this is often a well-defined and scientific process, attempting
                        to answer questions such as ‘How much will it cost if things go wrong?’ and ‘What are the chances of the
                        risk becoming a reality?’ We will deal with these issues in greater detail in later chapters. In a personal
                        sense, most individuals make less precise calculations, often preferring instead to simply protect
                        against those things that seem capable of inflicting financial disaster, such as fire or theft.
                        We begin by considering just what is meant by the term ‘risk’.

                        A2 Definition of risk

                        Consider the following definitions, each giving a different slant to the term ‘risk’:
                        • The possibility of an unfortunate occurrence.
                        • Doubt concerning the outcome of a situation.
                        • Unpredictability.
                        • The possibility of loss.
                        • The chance of gain (such as hoped for benefit from a gamble or investment).
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