Page 202 - M97TB9_2018-19_[low-res]_F2F_Neat2
P. 202

7/40          M97/February 2018  Reinsurance

                        When reviewing exclusion clauses, it is important not to forget that:
                        • Ambiguity in the exclusion is usually construed against the drafting party.
                        • In the event of a claim, the reinsured has the burden of proving that the loss suffered is within the
                          scope of the treaty whereas it is the reinsurer who has the burden of proving that the loss falls within a
                          particular exclusion.
                        • Local law may apply to restrict what may or may not be excluded from certain contracts.

                        In this section, we outline those exclusions that are common to all forms of proportional and non-
                        proportional treaty reinsurance:

                                                         information technology
                                        insolvency fund                       reinsurance assumed
                                       exclusion clause   hazards clarification

                                                        Common treaty exclusions

                                                pollution (or environ-
                             nuclear exclusion                       war and terrorism       other
                                clauses        mental contamination)   exclusion clauses
                                                 exclusion clauses

                        Exclusions that are specific to property, casualty, marine and aviation reinsurance are discussed in
                        chapters 10, 11 and 12.

                        E1    Nuclear exclusion clauses
                        These clauses exclude liability for nuclear risks. Such risks are not considered insurable by conventional
         These clauses
         exclude liability for  means, and are typically the subject of pooling arrangements. They remain, however, of concern to
         nuclear risks  reinsurers following the break-up of the Soviet Union, general nuclear proliferation and, more recently,  Reference copy for CII Face to Face Training
                        the possibilities for nuclear terrorism, because of the potential for catastrophic loss.
                        Non-marine reinsurance
                        Here, it is usual to include the following suite of clauses (as appropriate):
    7                   • Nuclear Incident Exclusion Clause – Physical Damage – Reinsurance – USA (NMA 1119);
    Chapter             • Nuclear Incident Exclusion Clause – Physical Damage – Reinsurance – Canada (NMA 1980a);
                        • Nuclear Incident Exclusion Clause – Physical Damage and Liability (Boiler and Machinery Policies) –
                          Reinsurance – USA (NMA 1166);

                        • Nuclear Incident Exclusion Clause – Physical Damage and Liability (Boiler and Machinery Policies) –
                          Reinsurance – Canada (NMA 1251);
                        • Nuclear Incident Exclusion Clause – Liability – Reinsurance – USA (NMA 1590);
                        • Nuclear Incident Exclusion Clause – Liability – Reinsurance – Canada (NMA 1979a);
                        • Nuclear Energy Risks Exclusion Clause (Reinsurance) (1994) (Worldwide excluding USA and Canada)
                          (NMA 1975a).

                        In this way, the reinsurance contract seeks to exclude any loss or liability accruing to the reinsured,
                        directly or indirectly and whether as – first or third party – insurer or reinsurer, from any pool of insurers
                        or reinsurers formed for the purposes of covering nuclear energy risks.

                        The NMA 1975a concerns cover for potential damage to nuclear power plants and other nuclear
                        installations as well as to liability claims resulting from the operation of such nuclear installations or
                        from the utilisation, storage and transport of nuclear material including waste.
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