Page 29 - The Jazzsipper Audible Audition
P. 29
Vance had really hit it off during his stay in the hospital; she would tell Vance
that he was blessed to have survived. And to make something out of his life,
and to stay away from Babu and the rest of the guys that came to the hospital
to visit him. Babu would complain all time that when she was on duty he
couldn’t get in to see Vance, she would tell him and the others that Vance,
was asleep or they were about to take him down for tests. Vance knew that
Nurse Brown and Aunt Jessie were working together to curtail his contact with
Babu, but on many occasions Vance would wake up early in the morning and
Babu would be asleep in the chair. That was Babu, he had Vance’s back no
matter what and Vance had Babu’s back. Aunt Jessie thought that Babu was
a negative influence and Babu was always found around trouble. But, she
liked Babu because he and Vance had a solid friendship that could not be
denied. After Vance was shot up, Babu went on a serious rampage involving
a long running street war with the guys that had shot Vance. It seemed like in
New Orleans there were always street wars going on. Vance also knew that
the real reason Babu was engaged this time was twofold, one was to revenge
what happened to him, and the other reason was Babu knew he was a target,
and a marked man, as long as those guys were still on the move. Babu was
a few years older than Vance and knew in the life they were living, as marked
men their chance of survival was slim to none. All threats or perceived threats
had to be dealt with, period.
When Vance got home the house was decorated with colorful balloons,
ribbons, greeting cards and a welcome home banner. It seemed that Aunt
Jessie had cooked everything in the kitchen and then some; all the neighbors
that Aunt Jessie and Uncle Frank were cool with was there, all Vance’s
extended family and friends were there with the exception of Babu, who was