Page 31 - The Jazzsipper Audible Audition
P. 31


                          THE JAZZ SIPPER

       Chapter Three-----Body and Soul

     It was December of 1978, and Regina was completely in love the Body and
     Soul type of love. She and Vance were in a committed relationship and had
     been since June of that same year. From the first time she saw Vance in the
     hospital she knew they were going to have a Body and Soul type of love
     between them, she could tell he was different by his mannerisms. He would
     say, yes ma’am, and yes sir, in his conversations with adults, he would say
     thank you and excuse me, in all his conversations. Regina noticed that there
     was something very distinctive about Vance, it was his eyes, and they were
     very convincing and command your attention. She had always remembered
     what her daddy told her, when she was a little girl and had to do a recital at
     school and she was scared, her dad told her to look them in their eyes baby
     girl and command their attention. He said the eyes were the windows to the
     soul. Regina went to school that day and commanded their attention with her
     eyes and had been doing so ever since. January was fast approaching and
     she was due to graduate early, she had enough credits to graduate early after
     earning extra credits from completing a student nursing course during the
     summer. She was an over achiever and went to the city’s prestigious all girl
     Catholic school St. Mary’s Academy. She was fascinated by the Catholic
     religion; it became perfectly clear to Regina that the Nuns and Priests were
     like everyone else, they had life issues to deal with too.

       She remembered at the beginning of her 11th grade year her 10th grade
     homeroom teacher Sister Teresa had left and she had been assigned a new
     homeroom teacher, Sister Maxine who was much older than Sister Teresa.
     Sister Maxine had what seem to Regina a clear view on life, and always had
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