Page 36 - The Jazzsipper Audible Audition
P. 36


                        THE JAZZ SIPPER

blurring out over the speakers Body and Soul. Regina thought about the first
time her and Vance had consummated their relationship for the first time and
how wonderful and sensual it had been. She wished Vance had been her first,
but as faith would have it he was not, her first time was with a guy two years
her senior name David Blackwell. She was 16 years old and he had just turned
18 years old. David had convinced Regina to let him be her first, on his 18th
birthday. Regina had been in New York visiting her cousin Dee Dee, and
David lived in the same building. He had a lot going for himself, he was
valedictorian of his senior graduating class and had been selected to Harvard
as a freshman he would say all the right things and he was so preppie, the
kind of guy her father wanted her to date.

  Once David got to Harvard everything change with their relationship, Regina
remembered the letter David sent her officially breaking off their relationship.
She could not grasp what he was saying at first. Everything was contradictory
to what he had been telling her before they consummated their relationship.
Now he was saying she was still young and that he needed someone his age
etc.… Regina remember being numb after reading the letter, she cried and
cried, after about two weeks of walking around in a daze, she got herself
together and promised herself that the little naïve Regina was a thing of the
past and was gone forever. She was going to be strong, smart and tough
hearted. Regina remembered during that time over hearing her mother who
was on the telephone with one of her clients and the lady was heartbroken
about her husband filing for a divorce. The woman was telling Regina mother
she did not know how she was going to make it, and Regina mother said, with
one step at a time, all the way to the bank, that dog do not bark anymore so
you have to get another one that barks, and this time, get one that roll over,
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