Page 39 - The Jazzsipper Audible Audition
P. 39
the courtroom, a lawyer’s battlefield. Vance said someone told him years ago
to always be the message you send. Regina thought about that for a moment.
She could not remember where, but she had seen this book before. Once
Regina got home, she laid the book down on the kitchen table; she wanted to
show her mother the bracelet that Vance had given her for her birthday. Her
mother was smiling and saying how beautiful it was and that it was a very
thoughtful gift, when suddenly Regina heard her dad coming out the kitchen
asking why his book was on the table. Regina told her dad that the book was
not his, but her book, a gift that her boyfriend had just given her along with the
bracelet she was trying to show him. Regina saw the bewilderment on her
dad’s face and then he asked how old this guy is. Before Regina could answer
him, her dad said baby girl, this guy is too old for you, Regina said dad I’m
older than Vance, he is 17 years old, he will not be 18 until September. Then
it hit her, she had seen her dad on many occasions reading this book and
writing and taking notes like he was studying for some sort of class he was
taking. Regina said that Vance had given her the book as a graduation gift to
help her prepare for the courtroom, the lawyer’s battlefields.
Regina’s dad said I like this guy, why haven’t you brought him over to meet
me yet. He has been over dad but you were never around when he came
over. Really, her dad said, well let’s change that baby girl, how about me and
your mother take you and what you said his name was, Vance, to lunch this
week. Regina did not know how to respond but felt the words falling off her
lips, yes daddy, I’ll let him know. Well that is that, and as fast as her daddy
appeared he had disappeared. Regina looked at her mother and said what if
they do not hit it off. Regina mother said, how many guys have you dated that
your dad wanted to meet. Regina answered none, why would you think your