Page 35 - The Jazzsipper Audible Audition
P. 35


                          THE JAZZ SIPPER

     That’s how she knew what her and Vance had was a Body and Soul love, he
     seems to know her thoughts before she would make them known to him. But
     she was at life’s crossroad of not knowing, because even though she loved
     Vance, he still associated himself with some shady characters. And yes she
     thought, he was committed to their relationship but he was still committed to
     the life he was living as well in the streets as far as she knew, so in many
     ways Dee Dee and Regina’s dad were right. Then in some strange way
     Regina could hear Sister Maxine saying Trust in God Always and Regina
     smiled, her decision was made.

        It was still early on Saturday night but he was home in his pajamas. Vance
     was lying in his bed listing to his jazz collection talking to Regina on the
     telephone when she said that their relationship was a Body and Soul
     relationship type of love; the type that you put all of yourself into, your
     emotions, your heart, your soul, your body, your everything and then some.

        Vance knew that John Coltrane had did a rendition of that song Body and
     Soul on his album titled Coltrane Sounds, as he continued talking with Regina
     he went through his extensive collection and once he found the album he
     placed it on his stereo, he told Regina he wanted her to listen to a song, then
     he placed the telephone receiver down next to his stereo speaker and just
     listen to Coltrane saxophone explain his version of a Body and Soul love.
     Regina just smiled, as she too listen to Coltrane. She envision it was Vance
     playing the saxophone, and she was wearing this long white glittering
     sparkling gown with long white dangling diamond earrings, matching
     necklace, and white satin matching heels, all the while dancing and moving
     her body in complete synchronization and harmony to the sound of the sax
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