Page 40 - The Jazzsipper Audible Audition
P. 40


                       THE JAZZ SIPPER

father want to meet Vance, her mother asked? Regina, responded he’s
curious! Yes baby, but more importantly he was impressed by the gifts that
Vance had given you. So the battle is already won, just talk with Vance, and
prepare him. Like, I told you I do with my clients. Regina’s mother was a
divorce attorney and worked for a major law firm with offices throughout the
South East. Regina’s father was a leading corporate attorney for a global law
firm. He made partner within 5 years of joining the firm an unheard of
accomplishment. When, Regina told Vance that her father wanted to meet
him. They would have lunch along with her and her mother. Vance started
joking around and talking proper; saying you say potatoe, I say potahto. They
began laughing; Regina knew what Vance was saying, that he was from one
world and her father was from another.

  When Regina and Vance met to go to the restaurant, she noticed some
nervousness in Vance for the first time since they had met. She had bought
Vance a two piece indigo blue Alan Flusser suede suit shirt jacket and
matching slacks, along with a beige Corneliani Mock cashmere blended silk
turtleneck sweater and a pair of beige and indigo suede and alligator
Bostonian bucks. And a bottle of cologne that complimented what he was
wearing. Vance was in awe that Regina had put this ensemble together like a
top jazz composer and was able to pay for it as well, but he felt like a million
bucks. His confidence surged to a new found level; he made a promise to
himself that one day he will be able to dress like this every day. Regina
watched Vance with true enjoyment and happiness to see the brand new
Vance suddenly appear. Regina said that someone told her recently to be the
message that you send and Regina said if you Vance, are going to own a
Jazz Club one day, then you need to be the message you send. Vance was
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