Page 41 - The Jazzsipper Audible Audition
P. 41
always cool under pressure, Regina thought about the time her and Vance
was inside Popeye’s, a fast food restaurant at the intersection of N. Claiborne
Ave. and Elysian Fields Ave. She noticed a guy at the adjoining cash register
with a gun robbing the cashier. Regina wanted to scream, but she heard
Vance whispering in her hear saying, “be easy, be easy, relax, look at me.” At
the same time she felt Vance slightly moving and positioning her to his right
side, where as they were side by side. Now Vance was in between her and
the guy robbing the cashier. Regina looked down and also noticed that Vance
had a small hand gun in his right hand at his side, but out of view. When she
looked back up she noticed the guy running out of the restaurant and the
cashier was screaming “I just got robbed.”
People in the restaurant began scattering outside of the restaurant including
her and Vance. Regina began smiling; thinking about how nervous she was
walking back to Aunt Jessie’s that night. She remembered that it took every
ounce of energy in her body to take each step; she had never experienced
anything like that before in her life. About five minutes into their twenty-five
minute walk to Aunt Jessie’s, Vance began speaking. All the while fixated on
their surroundings and moving with the caution of an Army Sergeant who was
leading an Army Platoon on patrol and he was the point man leading the
Platoon. Vance told her never to act as though you see something like that,
because now you’re a witness. And if the situation goes from bad to worse,
they’ll shoot you too. Vance told her if she see something like that start
thinking and preparing for surviving the situation. Regina knew what Vance
meant, if it came down to that guy and them, Vance was prepared to shoot
him. Regina knew this without Vance telling her that, she could tell by his
actions and how calm he was under pressure he never lost his poise. Once