Page 46 - The Jazzsipper Audible Audition
P. 46
lawyer she would work to have that part of New Orleans history included in
the state history books. When she found out that they had to present their
Term Paper like you would present a Thesis, she looked up the definition of
Thesis which was a noun, a proposition stated or put forward for
consideration, esp. one to be discussed and proved or to be maintained
against objections: She vigorously defended her Term Paper on the
importance of Main Lines in New Orleans for a moment she got to feel what
it would be like as a Lawyer, she was hook, she even gave a copy to Vance
who was a diehard Second Liner, he would attend Second Lines all over the
All of a sudden she heard the conductor announcing Meridian MS, next stop
in 30 minutes. Regina knew that this was only the first leg of the trip, which
took roughly 29 hours to go from New Orleans to New York by train. She had
done this same trip on many occasions through the years growing up. She
began thinking about Vance and her friends that she left at the train station,
in particular about Cheryl. She knew that Cheryl had a crush on Vance from
the very first time she introduced him to her at their Senior Dance. Regina had
noticed Cheryl looking at Vance, Regina had made a mental note then to
watch her.
But, tonight when she was leaving she had no idea that her friends and
Vance were planning such a sendoff for her and afterwards they were going
to hang out in the French Quarters. Regina knew her friends and what
hanging out meant, boys and underage drinking, smoking and whatever else
that combination would or could lead too. Yeah, Regina thought out loudly,
the Night Train. No, I could not have taken the earlier train that left in the early