Page 23 - Manage Licenced Premises Learner Workbook
P. 23


                                                               Everyone has an enzyme in their stomach (alcohol
           FACTORS THAT AFFECT THE BAC                         dehydrogenise) that processes ethanol into a safer
                                                               substance. The more time the alcohol is in your stomach
           Age                                                 the better this enzyme can work on it and make it less
           Physically, young people have a greater tolerance for   harmful to your body.
           alcohol due to efficient metabolisms and livers that are   In males, the enzyme is 70-80% more effective than in
           very effective in processing alcohol.  The older drinker   females because it appears that females have less of it.
           has a slower metabolism and their livers are no longer as
           effective, which means their bodies do not tolerate alcohol   Individual tolerance
           as well as the younger group.                       Some people can just drink more than others even if all
                                                               the other factors are taken into account.  This is called
           Gender                                              ‘individual tolerance’.  The body of any experienced drinker
           Women have a higher BAC after drinking the same amount   will develop a tolerance to alcohol to a certain extent.
           of alcohol than men due to differences in metabolism
           and absorption – since men have on average more fluid   Tolerance is also affected by drinking patterns.  Bar staff
           in their body to distribute alcohol around than women do.    may get to know their regulars and become aware of those
           Chemical differences between men and women also make   with low tolerance who need extra monitoring.
           men better able to process alcohol than women.

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