Page 6 - Manage Licenced Premises Learner Workbook
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Becoming the holder of a Manager’s Certificate can be Here are some links to sites where you will find other
an exciting step in your career, however, you must also interesting and useful resources:
understand that when you are the Manager on DUTY – you
have lots of responsibilities; these include compliance Help with legal language:
(obey the rules) and enforcement of:
i. The Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 civics-education-1/a-guide-tolegal-language
ii. The conditions of the licence for the premise you are
managing HPA’s The Manager’s Guide:
iii. The conduct of the premises – you will also be
responsible for the actions of staff attachment/8.1%20AL575_The_Manager%27s_Guide_
We want everyone to do a good job and manage licensed
premises responsibly so that everyone does their bit to HPA’s Interactive tools:
reduce alcohol abuse. You need to be good managers. If
you are not, or behave unsuitably, you can get into trouble resources/interactive-tools
and you may have your manager’s certificate suspended or
cancelled altogether. HPA’s ServeWise e-Learning tool:
This book is for you to use to assist you learning everything alcohol/host-responsibility/servewise
you need to know in order to obey the law and fulfil your
duties as a manager of a licensed premise responsibly.