Page 5 - The Cambrian School Newsletter 2022. 2nd Issue.indd
P. 5

the Cambrian School

            Inter House Group Song Competition

       Music binds our soul, hearts and
       emotions. Music is the best method
       of relaxation. It cheers the spirit and
       lightens the heart. In fact, through
       singing children learn to express their
       feelings and ideas. To bring out the
       singing talent of the students an Inter
       House Group Song Competition was
       organized at The Cambrian School on
       15th August 2022.

       Students of secondary and senior
       secondary participated in the com-
       petition. The theme of the competi-
       tion was patriotic songs from differ-
       ent states and languages. Each house
       prepared a patriotic song under
       the expert guidance of their house
       in charges. The children sang the
       songs with lot of passion, confi dence
       and patriotic feeling. The melodious
       songs pulled the heartstrings of the
       audience. Each house showed their
       mastery over voice modulation, pitch,
       rhythm and tone. The children show-
       cased a sense of pride, self-esteem

       and self-confidence as a result of the

       The judges thoroughly enjoyed the

       mellifluous group song s. They were
       impressed with the confi dence,  the
       tonal quality and the fervour with
       which they sang the patriotic songs.

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