Page 7 - The Cambrian School Newsletter 2022. 2nd Issue.indd
P. 7

the Cambrian School

         CBSE -CVC essay writing competition 10th Oct 22


                                                                                         One of the most
                                                                                         important aims of
                                                                                         education, a CBSE
                                                                                         statement said while
                                                                                         announcing           the
                                                                                         essay     competition,
                                                                                         is to inculcate values
                                                                                         among students so
                                                                                         that they develop
                                                                                         into responsible and
                                                                                         committed      citizens
                                                                                         to    contribute      in
                                                                                         In order to create
                                                                                         awareness       among
                                                                                         school       students,
                                                                                         CBSE in collaboration
                                                                                         with CVC decided to
                                                                                         organise this essay
                        he Central Board of Secondary
                                                               writing competition on the occasion of
         TEducation (CBSE) in collaboration
                                                               Vigilance Awareness Week 2022
         with the Central Vigilance Commission
         (CVC) organised a nationwide essay
         writing competition. The CBSE-CVC essay
         competition was for the students of
         Classes 10 to 12. The
         topic of the essay
         was         ‘Corruption
         Free     India    for   a
         Developed        Nation’.
         The competition was
         held at school level
         between on October
         10th and one best
         was sent to cbseit.
         The word limit for the
         essay was 500-600
         words and the essay
         was to be written
         either in English or
         in Hindi. The entries
         had the names of
         students,         mobile
         numbers and email
         addresses,        among

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