Page 19 - Elements Tipis Info Guide 2023.cdr
P. 19

Elements Tipis Wedding Venue

                                               We proudly host unique weddings

                                                     on this picturesque location.

                                           Want your wedding or reception here?

                                                          Ask us more or got to:


      Important Rules...                                          for your comfort and safety

       Vehicles:  One vehicle per site         leave the property whenever the owner   Willow Laces from the front of the
       unless a parking arrangement was        leaves. AGGRESSIVE BARKING OR           Tipi. These hold the structure of the
       agreed upon before booking.             AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR WILL NOT            Tipi together. If they are removed it
       Speed Limit:  Please keep your          BE TOLERATED. Only pets that are        compromises the integrity of the Tipi.
       speed at or below 5mph; there are       100% perfect with other animals are     You will be charged $50 per Willow
       children and animals living on the      allowed. We have horses just over the   Lace that is removed.
       property.                               fence that commonly visit and we have a   If a Willow Lace is broken you will be
       Trailers: Trailers and additional       dog and cat that roam our property and   charged $75 per Willow Lace.
       vehicles are $25 per night.             will most likely visit you throughout your
       Check out: is by 11:00 a.m.  If you     stay with us. Aggressive behavior toward
       wish to extend your stay, please        our pets or other guests WILL RESULT
       inquire by text or app.                 IN EVICTION WITHOUT REFUND. NO          Bell Tent Doors: Please zip up the
       Quiet Hours: From 10 p.m. to 8 a.m.     PETS ON THE BEDS. If dog hair is left   doors of your bell tent when you are
       Please keep noises and music for        on the bed, an additional $25 cleaning   away from your site to avoid critters,
       “your ears only”. Keep in mind that     fee will be charged.                    bugs or rain from entering.
       voices carry at night, especially in    Garbage: We ask that if you pack it     Shower: The shower is located at
       groups.                                 in, please pack it out.                 the end of the Willow trees. It looks
       Visitors: You must get permission to    Firearms and Fireworks:                 like a tall, black tent and is on a bed
       have visitors. Please inquire by text or   No discharge of either is permitted on   of pebbles. Do not remove the
       app.                                    the property.                           shower nozzle or hose from it’s
       Pets:  PETS ARE WELCOME AS              Glass:It is highly recommended NOT      current placement. One adult at a
       LONG AS YOU FOLLOW THE RULES            to use glass at your campsite.          time, or one adult & baby. Please
       AND BE COURTEOUS OF YOUR                Broken glass could harm animals         keep your showers 15 minutes or
       NEIGHBORS. NO MORE THAN TWO             and guests.                             below. There are instruction inside
       PETS ARE ALLOWED. FAILURE TO            Smoking: No smoking is allowed on       the shower area. The shower water
       OBSERVE THE PET POLICY WILL             the property. If cigarette butts are    temperature is set at 104 °F.
       RESULT IN EVICTION WITHOUT              found on your site after departure      Please lightly spray the natural
       REFUND. Pets must be kept on a          there will be a $25 cleaning charge.    disinfectant in the shower area after
       maximum 6 foot leash and be under       Guests: There are three guests          you’re done showering. Thank you.
       control at all times. For your pet's    allowed per Bell Tent or Tipi site.     Feel free to use the shampoo &
       enjoyment we have a designated area     Additional guest are $25 per night.     conditioner provided, but leave it in
       for your pet to be leashed beside of your   Tipi Doors: Please tie down the     the shower area when you are done.
       Tipi. Pets are not to be tied to any trees.   doors of your bell tent when you are   Zip up the windows and doors when
       Please clean up after your pet. There is a   away from your site to avoid critters,   you are done in the shower area.
       $25 fee per poo not cleaned up. Pets are   bugs or rain from entering. Please   Feel free to use the orange & silver
       not to be left unattended at your site or in   read through our door instructions on   Carabiners provided to lock the
       your vehicle. Anyone leaving them       the instructions page located on the    shower doors the from the inside if
       unattended will be asked to leave and   pack page of this guide.                desired.
       will not receive a refund. Pets are to   Please do NOT remove theTipi
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