Page 14 - Elements Tipis Info Guide 2023.cdr
P. 14
Polson Glacier Brewing Company: Stageline Pizza: Pizzas,
Bunkers: Located on the Polson Locally brewed beer and Good nachos, pasta, wings, super
Golf Course, Bunkers Restaurant Grub food truck on-site. Indoor & salads and cheese breads.
offers locally grown Angus Beef outdoor seating. Bring the whole Pickup and delivery only. 49777
burgers, sandwiches, wraps as family and the dog! 6 10th Ave. E Hwy 93, Polson. (406) 883-4411
well as wine and beer with deck Polson (406)883-2595
seating. Call (406)883-8302 for Subway: Leader in fast, healthy
more information. Good Coffee Roasting food from soups, salads and
Company: sandwiches and more! 50033 US
Betty's Dinner: Betty's has a Locally roasted coffee and tasty Hwy 93, Polson. (406) 883-9202
great 50's look and feel and you snacks. Located at 201 3rd Ave.
will always be greeted by Betty! East, Polson (406) 426-2699 Super Gyro: Enjoy top-notch
Open for breakfast, lunch & Gyro to-go at this local food
dinner daily. Hot Spot Thai Café: truck. Location may vary.
49779 US Hwy. 93, Polson. This is one of our favorite take- 605 1st St W. Polson.
(406) 883-1717 out spots, serving authentic Thai (406)210-3988
food. We suggest the Green
Blodgett Creamery: Curry! (406)883-4444 Sweet Bliss:
A quaint coffee saloon with soup, Drive through or sit in and enjoy
salad, sandwich, pastries, coffee Jj’s Dawg House: free wifi and delicious food.
and ice cream. Serving super yummy craft hot Offering bagels, wraps, coffee
325 Main Street, Polson. dogs and sausage. Located in and frozen yogurt.
(406) 319-2552 between Super 1 & Ace 50599 Hwy 93, Polson.
Hardware. (406) 250-9265 (406) 883-1919
Cherries BBQ Pit: Fresh food,
delicious barbecue, friendly Lake City Bakery & Eatery: Thai Hot Spot Café:
service and great prices. Freshly made donuts and Delicious Thai food to go. Like it
105 2 St. E., Polson. pastries, a complete breakfast & hot? Get the Green Curry with
(406) 571-2227 lunch menu! 49493 US Hwy 93 three stars! This is one of our
93, Polson. (406) 883-5667. favorites.
Cove Deli & Pizza: 50440 US-93, Polson.
Features a wide variety of MacKenzie River Pizza Grill & (406)883-4444
sandwiches, pizza, salad bar, Pub: Sit back at MacKenzie
soup, Mexican, cold beer. River, notable for its creative,
Wilcoxson's ice cream! 11 Third high quality food, drinks and well- Yum!
Ave. W., Polson. (406) 883-0434 rounded menu serving choices
far beyond just pizza!
Domino’s Pizza: 209 Ridgewater Dr., Polson.
Pizza, sandwhiches, chicken, (406) 872-2100 The Shoe:
pastas, salads and more. All Offering a full menu with seating
delivered to your door! Oaks Korean Kitchen: inside or out on the deck
318 Main St. Polson. Serving delicious Korean fare overlooking Flathead Lake!
(406)438-2350 with a view of Flathead Lake. My Located right across Highway 93
favorite is the Pork dish, but it’s from the Resort and KOA at
Finley Point Grill: Steaks, all delish’. (406)253-9951 (406) 883-1425.
chops and seafood. Locally
sourced ingredients, locally Richwine’s Burgerville: Best The Perfect Shot Tavern:
crafted Montana brews and Burgers Goin’, also Chicken, This family-owned tavern has
extensive wine selection. Seafood, Burritos, Foot Long Hot quality drinks and delicious
Located at mile marker 6 on Hwy Dogs & Ice Cream. starters. Located at 218 Main St.,
35, Polson. (406) 887-2020 50567 US Hwy 93, Polson Polson.(406)883-2668
(406) 883-2620.