Page 42 - FAO Aquaculture News, May 2021 - No. 63
P. 42

Development of a Management Plan for the

          Lagoon of Bizerte in Tunisia

             quaculture  in  the Mediterranean  Sea  represents   The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean
          Aa key sector to increase fresh and marine protein   (GFCM) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the
          production. Growing demand for fish and fishery products,   United  Nations  has  been  actively  supporting  national
          coupled with the quick development of new aquaculture   capacity development towards AZA implementation. In
          technology, stimulates the use of marine and coastal space   this context, technical support was provided to Tunisia
          to develop the sector. The coastal lagoon of Bizerte, with   and neighbouring Mediterranean countries. Special
          a surface area of 150 km , is located in the northwest of   attention was paid to the use of tailored models according
          Tunisia. The water exchange of the lagoon is essentially   to the specific needs of national stakeholders.   Aquaculture Updates by Region
          ensured by the Mediterranean Sea, Lake Ichkeul
          (biosphere  reserve,  natural  world  heritage  and  Ramsar   A joint effort
          site), and water inputs from the Bizerte hydrological   In  collaboration with  the FAO Subregional Office  for
          basin. Characterized by high biological productivity, this   North Africa in Tunisia, the Ministry of Agriculture,
          lagoon acts as nursery for several marine species, as well   Water  Resources and  Fisheries  and  the  University  of
          as a maturation site of adults and feeding area for many   Alicante (Spain), the GFCM launched a set of activities to
          high-value species (for example European eel, seabass and   identify suitable zones for aquaculture. Necessary funds
          seabream).                                         were mobilized by the GFCM in order to evaluate the
                                                             lagoon’s carrying capacity with the aim of proposing AZAs
          Although the Bizerte lagoon has a strong fishery and bivalve   for shellfish.
          aquaculture tradition, the economy of the region is mainly
          based on industrial activities (for example oil refining,   In the same context, the FAO Subregional Office for North
          steel and cement production) and agriculture. Therefore,   Africa has launched a Technical Cooperation Programme
          urbanization and nearby industrial factories alongside the   (TCP) titled “Elaboration of a management plan for the
          high concentration of agriculture around the whole lagoon   Bizerte lagoon in Tunisia for territorial socio-economic
          induce eutrophication and environmental degradation.   development”, in response to the Tunisian Government’s
          Furthermore, the absence of a coastal development plan   request. This  new  project,  along  with  GFCM  planned
          has generated increasing conflicts between mussel/oyster   activities, will effectively contribute to improving the
          farmers and artisanal fishers.                     management of this waterbody through a better definition
                                                             of spatial use of the several economic activities running in
          As natural biofilters, shellfish provide great benefits to the   and around the lagoon.
          lagoon environment, such as water purification and act
          as indicators of water quality. The implementation of this   Allocated zones for aquaculture
          type of culture in water basins with a high eutrophic load   An allocated zone for aquaculture is a suitable area for
          is key to mitigate the negative effects of excess nutrients   aquaculture development, where the activity has priority
          (especially harmful algal blooms, increase in opportunistic   over other sectors and users. AZAs are identified through
          species and turbidity).                            a zoning process within marine spatial planning, which is
                                                             based on a participatory approach. In this way, the zoning
          Identification of  allocated  zones for aquaculture (AZAs)   process incorporates environmental, socio-economic and
          is considered an essential step towards the sustainable   administrative parameters and involves the coordination
          development of aquaculture, under a blue growth perspective,   among different stakeholders. Besides the implementation
          and thus has a special role to play in marine spatial planning.   of AZAs, the management plan and environmental
                                                             monitoring programme contribute to minimizing conflicts
          Written by:                                        between coastal users while supporting the generation
          Raquel Lopez Martinez                              of  employment  opportunities,  greater  food  security  and
          E-mail:               enhancing aquaculture social acceptability.
          Linda Fourdain
          E-mail:                     Looking ahead
          General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean,   The activities launched by the GFCM aim at improving
          Rome, Italy                                        the management of the Bizerte lagoon. Furthermore,
          Asma Jlassi                                        the implementation of AZAs for shellfish farming and
          E-mail:                        the estimation of the carrying capacity facilitate the
          Valerio Crespi                                     selection of the most suitable sites through a participatory
          E-mail:                     approach while taking into full consideration social and
          FAO Subregional Office for North Africa, Tunis, Tunisia
                                                             environmental criteria.

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