Page 5 - November 2020 Newsletter - Class Members Edition
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setting of Alzheimer’s Disease. This brain              criteria. The Settlement Agreement states
        imaging, often called “Amyloid PET,” is meant           that the identification of a condition – for
        to assist clinicians in detecting whether               example, through a blood test, genetic
        Alzheimer’s Disease is the cause of cognitive           test, imaging technique, or otherwise – that

        impairment. However,                                                              has not yet resulted
        a positive amyloid                                                                in actual cognitive
        PET scan does not             There are 370 FAQs in 17 categories.                impairment and/or
        establish a diagnosis         These FAQs contain links to other                   actual neuromuscular
        of Alzheimer’s                tools and resource guides posted on                 impairment
        Disease or any other          the Settlement Website. The FAQs                    experienced by
        cognitive disorder.           page is searchable, so you can quick-               the Retired NFL
                                      ly find information you are looking for.            Football Player
         The PET results and          Let us know if you have questions                   does not qualify as a
        Settlement criteria           about an FAQ or if there is a topic you             Qualifying Diagnosis.
        assess different              think we should cover in an FAQ.                    There must be an
        things; the amyloid                                                               actual manifestation
 Frequently Asked Questions  PET identifies the                 of cognitive impairment and/or actual
        presence or absence of a pathological
        feature in the brain, while the Settlement              neuromuscular impairment.
 The FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) section of the Settlement Website documents   criteria require an assessment of the NFL   Auxiliary tests for Parkinson’s disease may
 the rules and processes we follow in the Program. We add new FAQs and update existing   Player’s clinical condition. Therefore, a PET   include biomarker tests such as an alpha-
 FAQs as changes to our rules/processes occur. When we feel you need to know about   scan showing amyloid neuritic plaque in the   synuclein skin biopsy or Ioflupane (123I)
 a FAQ change immediately, we will notify you with an email alert. In our quarterly Status   brain may support an Alzheimer’s Disease   dopamine transporter (DaT) single photon

 Reports we file with the Court, we describe all new FAQs and changes to existing FAQs.  diagnosis but does not establish an actual   emission computed tomography (SPECT)
        manifestation of cognitive impairment, which            scan (DaT scan), or neurophysiological
 We updated FAQs 117 and 119 and created   imaging technique (e.g., quantitative MRI),   is required under the Settlement criteria.   studies of tremor. Although these auxiliary
 new FAQs 118 and 120 to clarify newer   or otherwise – that has not yet resulted in   As a general matter with respect to the   tests alone are not sufficient to fulfill the
 and auxiliary testing for Alzheimer’s and   actual cognitive impairment and/or actual   Qualifying Diagnoses, Class Counsel and   Settlement criteria, their potential, non-
 Parkinson’s Disease, and how those tests   neuromuscular impairment experienced   Counsel for the NFL Parties will address   mandatory use may influence the overall

 interact with the Settlement criteria:   by the Retired NFL Football Player does   possible advances in science to effectuate   certainty of a diagnosis of Parkinson’s
 not qualify as a Qualifying Diagnosis. There                   Disease. Biomarker tests may assist the
 118. Is a biomarker test (such as an   must be an actual manifestation of cognitive   the mutual intent that Players manifest   diagnosing physician to determine whether
 amyloid PET, spinal fluid test) enough   impairment and/or actual neuromuscular   actual cognitive impairment and/or actual   a Retired Player’s signs or symptoms are
 to establish my Qualifying Diagnosis of   impairment.   neuromuscular impairment.   related to Parkinson’s disease.

 Alzheimer’s Disease?  120. Are auxiliary tests, including
 For example, a positron emission                               As a general matter with respect to the
 No, a biomarker test, by itself, is not sufficient   tomography (“PET”) scan is a nuclear   biomarker tests, enough to establish   Qualifying Diagnoses, Class Counsel and
 to establish a Qualifying Diagnosis of   medicine imaging test that uses a radioactive   my Qualifying Diagnosis of Parkinson’s   Counsel for the NFL Parties will address
 Alzheimer’s Disease under the Settlement   molecule to show any abnormalities in bodily   Disease?  possible advances in science to effectuate
 criteria. The Settlement Agreement states   function. Florbetapir, Flutemetamol, and   No, auxiliary tests alone are not sufficient   the mutual intent that Players manifest

 that the identification of a condition – for   Florbetapen, have been approved by the   to establish a Qualifying Diagnosis of   actual cognitive impairment and/or actual
 example, through a blood test, genetic test,   FDA for PET imaging of β-amyloid in the   Parkinson’s Disease under the Settlement   neuromuscular impairment.

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