Page 7 - November 2020 Newsletter - Class Members Edition
P. 7

Reasons in Notice of Denial

           The Settlement Agreement requires                     documentation of functional impairment
           the Claims Administrator to provide “the              that is generally consistent with a Level
           reasons for the adverse determination”                1.5 Diagnosis. It may

           in the Notice.  On December 4, 2020,                  then either issue an
           the Special Master issued this decision,              Award, provide the

           concluding that the Notice of Denial is               Player an opportunity

 Published Decisions by the Special Master  ambiguous as to whether this Player’s   to remedy any
           functional impairment was a reason for
                                                                 deficiencies it finds, or
           the adverse determination.  On remand,                re-issue a revised Notice of Denial of the
 e post all decisions the Special Masters designate to be published on the
 WSettlement Website (under “Documents” click “Special Master” below   the Claims Administrator shall evaluate   Player’s Claim.

 “Published Decisions”). To preserve confidentiality, we remove all personal identifying   whether the Player has provided
 information before making them available on the website. Click here to read the

 decisions published so far. We encourage you to check the Settlement Website often
 and read any new decisions because they serve as guidance for the consideration   Substance Use
 of the same or similar issues and principles in later decisions.  Three recent Special

 Master rulings that affect Monetary Award Claims are now on the site:  The NFL Parties appealed the   without further detail on (1) the dosage
            Claims Administrator’s award for                    and frequency of use of the substance;
 Functional Impairment  benefits, asserting that a Player’s     and (2) whether and how the neurologist

            neuropsychological test results were                considered the use of marijuana in her
 A Retired NFL Football Player appealed   2020 opinion, the Special Master upheld   invalid. The Player regularly consumed   ultimate Diagnosis. On

 the Claim Administrator’s denial of his   the denial, determining that the Claims   marijuana, including on the morning of his   remand, the Claims
 claim for benefits based on a Qualifying   Administrator was not clearly wrong   neuropsychological evaluation. The NFL   Administrator may solicit

 Diagnosis of Level 1.5   in finding defects in the   Parties emphasized that marijuana was   from the doctor the
 Neurocognitive Impairment.   process by which the CDR   in the Player’s system during his testing   dosing information and

 The Denial noted problems   was performed (including   regimen, and that his neuropsychologist   frequency of marijuana
 in the process by which   a failure to conduct a semi-  did not adequately consider the impact   use and an analysis of why a Diagnosis

 the CDR was performed,   structured interview), and   of his regular marijuana consumption   of Level 1.5 Neurocognitive Impairment
 raised concerns about the   in relying on evidence   and psychiatric conditions on his alleged   is appropriate despite the potential
 Player’s retained function,   contemporaneous with the   cognitive impairment. In this December   impacts marijuana may have had on

 and stated that the doctor   relevant clinical exam that   2, 2020 decision, the Special Master   neuropsychological exam and on his daily
 failed to explore alternative bases for the   undermined its conclusions about the   found that the record was incomplete   cognitive functioning.

 Player’s disabilities. In this December 15,   Player’s retained function.

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