Page 3 - November 2020 Newsletter ClassMembers Edition
P. 3

A Message from the

 Claims Administrator  In this Issue

 s of November 23, 2020, we have   A Message

 Aissued payable Monetary Award   from the Claims
 Notices to 1,204 Retired NFL Football   Administrator

 Players and Representative Claimants   2
 totaling $812,698,078  (including

 $1,341,273 for nine Supplemental   Summary Reports on
 Monetary Awards). Of that, the Trustee   the Program

 has paid $742,920,190 to 1,148 of those
 Settlement Class Members. We work   3  Summary Reports on the Program

 hard to process each claim quickly and
 correctly.         e began posting the Settlement              explain that. There is also a Past Summary
 By the             Program Summary Report on the               Reports section on the right-hand side
 Numbers  WReports & Statistics page of the                     of the Reports & Statistics page. Use the
 Call 1-855-887-3485 or email us if you   Settlement Website back in 2018. We refresh   month and year drop-down menus to

 have any questions about submitting   3  this report every Monday (or Tuesday, if   access all past Summary Reports. If you
 a claim, concerns on a Claim Package   Monday is a holiday) with new data. If you   are interested in the progress that has been

 already submitted, or would like a status   are not sure what a section of the report   made in the Program each week, you can
 update on payment of a Monetary   Claim   shows, the Guide to Summary Report helps   compare the data in each weekly report.
 Award. We are here to help! Please   Appeals
 continue to check the Settlement   4

 Website often for Program updates.  By The Numbers (as of 11/23/20)

 Published           20,556                                   3,123                             1,204
 Decisions by the   Registered Settlement                  Claim Packages                  Payable Monetary
 Special Master    Class Members                              Received                           Awards
 Claims Administrator  6
 BrownGreer PLC
           $812,698,078.30                                   12,506                            12,180

                  Payable Monetary                       BAP Appointments                  BAP Appointments
                   Award Amounts                             Scheduled                          Attended

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