Page 5 - November 2020 Newsletter ClassMembers Edition
P. 5

Appealable Issues

          Based on a good faith belief that the determination of the Claims Administrator was
          incorrect, the Retired NFL Football Player (or a Representative Claimant) may appeal
          determinations as to:

             1  whether the Retired            2  how the Claims                3   whether the Claim
                NFL Football Player               Administrator calculated          Package is valid without
                (or a Representative              the Monetary Award;               medical records under
                Claimant) is entitled to a        and                               Section 8.2(ii) of the
                Monetary Award;                                                     Settlement Agreement.

            No other Appeals may be noted on Monetary Awards. The Special Master has discretion to
 Claim Determination Appeals  direct appropriate relief as to the conduct of any Party to the Appeal or to multiple Appeals
            concerning Monetary Awards that the Special Master determines to be vexatious, frivolous or in

 The Rules Governing Appeals of Claim Determinations cover appeals made by a   bad faith (Rule 7). See Rule 8 for what may be appealed on Derivative Claimant Awards.
 Settlement Class Member, Class Counsel or the NFL Parties under Section 9.5 of   What Happens After an Appeal is Filed

 the Settlement Agreement from Claims Administrator determinations on Monetary
 Awards and Derivative Claimant Awards. These Rules are available here. Section

 9.7 of the Settlement Agreement also provides specific guidance on submissions
 on Appeals. We highlight important information about Appeals here.
        Filed Appeal Alert.         Response of                Statement of Class           Reply to Statement
        Upon receipt of a           Appellee. Each             Counsel. In an               of Class Counsel.
        timely appeal, we will      Appellee (Party            Appeal where Class           The other Parties
 Deadline to Appeal: Any Party wishing to appeal an Appealable Notice (the Appellant)
 must note an Appeal within 30 days after the date of the Appealable Notice (Rule 10).  provide a Filed Appeal  responding to the   Counsel is not the   to the Appeal may
        Alert to the other          Appeal) may submit         Appellant, within 15         submit a Reply to the
        Parties to the Appeal       a Response up to           days after the later of      Statement of Class
 How to Note an Appeal  through a Portal or   10 pages, double-  the date of the Filed      Counsel of up to

        by mail to a Party          spaced, setting            Appeal Alert or the          four pages, double-
 1  Submit Appeal Form. Submit an Appeal   3  Statement. You may submit with the   to the Appeal who   out its position and   date of the Response   spaced, within 15 days
 Form to us through the Portal or by mail   Appeals Form a statement of up to 10   does not use a Portal.   arguments on the   of Appellee, Class   after the Statement’s
 or delivery. The Appeals Form is available   pages (double-spaced) setting forth   The Filed Appeal   Appeal, within 30   Counsel may submit   date (Rule 16). The
 on each Portal and is included with each   your arguments on the issue(s) appealed   Alert will include   days after the date   a Statement up to   Reply must be limited
 Appealable Notice (Rule 11(a)).  and citations to any evidence previously   the Appellant’s   of the Filed Appeal   10 pages, double-  to addressing the
 submitted to us that you contend supports   Appeals Form (and   Alert (Rule 14). The   spaced, in support of   issues raised in the
 2  Identify Reason(s) for Appeal. Indicate
 in the Appeals Form why you feel the   the Appeal. Exhibits to this statement   any statement and   Appellant may not   or in opposition to the   Statement of Class
 are permitted, but you may not refer to or
 Appealable Notice was wrong. This is the   exhibits submitted   submit a reply    Appeal (Rule 15).   Counsel; Replies that
 issue(s) on Appeal that you want the Special   offer any evidence that was not before the   with the Appeals   (SA § 9.7(b)).   include additional
 Master to decide.  The Special Master will   Claims Administrator, subject to Rule 23,   Form) (Rule 13).    issues are
 only consider properly appealable issues   which covers new evidence (Rule 11(c)).  Note: While exhibits to the Response of Appellee, Statement of Class   not permitted
 under Rules 7 and 8 (Rule 11(b)).  4  Pay Appeal Fee.  Any Settlement Class   Counsel and Reply to Statement of Class Counsel are permitted, no   (SA §§ 9.7(b)-(c)).
 Member noting an Appeal must pay a   submissions may refer to or include any evidence that was not before the
 $1,000 Appeal Fee that will be refunded if   Claims Administrator, subject to Rule 23(c), which covers new evidence.
 the Appeal is successful (Rule 12).                                                   CONTINUED ON PAGE 6  >>>

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