Page 32 - Shaw Wall of Honor
P. 32

Did I paint a picture of most account managers (now there are certainly variations!)? So how can you best meet these hard-working, heartbeat of the agency team members? Let me share with you a few secrets.
• Be very clear on the agency's values, vision, and standards. This will take some time but you need to give these hard-working women clear guidance on your agency’s standards. What is expected and what a good job is. They want permission to hold to standards and share why it’s okay to not reinstate the client for the third time this year and we can walk away. Be there for the first few difficult conversations.
• Managers need to understand workflow and workload. Your leadership needs to be an air traffic controller. Account managers struggle to ask for help so they suffer in silence. Have a leader manage and throttle workload to be sustainable.
• Have a culture that encourages everyone to raise their hand. When backlog starts happening, encourage communication. Everyone can help and leadership needs to know when things are off track to find the cause. Too often managers just sweep it under the rug because “I’m busy” and that is used too often.
• Have a flexible work schedule. Now, I don't mean wild west but if a great team member is stressed because the bus
pick-up is at 8:17 and work starts at 8:30, let them start at 8:45 (if you can). Have the ability to work from home with a sick kid.
• Celebrate the kids. Yes, their kids. Many of them live for their kids to be in the know. When the kid makes the honor roll, give them a gift card to take them to dinner; have a scholarship program; if the kid is in the little league championship, dress up in team colors and let the mom go early.
• Have an employee emergency fund. Yes, you can do this; provide the option for your team to tap into an emergency fund or low-interest loans. Trust me that not having to worry about it will make them better team members.
• Coaching meetings. Your staff is your largest expense. You need to invest in them. A monthly coaching meeting to open up communication is worth it. The first few are awkward but they get better. Stick with them. This includes mapping out designations, how they can earn more money, and career plans. Developing from within is always worth it.
Your account managers are the heartbeat of your business and they are total givers. If you can take steps to take care of them, it will provide them the relief they need to be stars for your team.
 Be very clear on the agency's values, vision, and standards. This will take some time but you need to give these hard-working women clear guidance on your agency’s standards.

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