Page 23 - Thyme_EAST_2023 Summer Magazine
P. 23


 While the garden is
 fresh and full of exciting
 growth – Summer can         MOTHER’S DAY

 be tough on gardens.
 Here’s some must-dos so
 your garden can survive   COOKBOOK 2023

 the wilting effects of the
 Aussie summer.                                         Share Your Sweet Moment

 when working in the summer  Summer    We had a lot of fun collating and cooking all the delicious recipes that made it into the

                  Mother’s Day Cookbook in 2022. We are now seeking recipes which will be shared
 T Pick your time and location

 garden. Early mornings and late     and celebrated nationally in the 2023 edition.
 afternoons are best, and find a   Time  We are looking for sweet treats that tell a story
 shady working spot.          ★   PRIZE FOR TOP 3 RECIPES – $100 Wish Gift Card   ★

 T In summer the focus shifts to
 routine maintenance of watering,   To submit your recipes, please visit
 mulching and trimming. A general  T The best time to water your   release dry or a liquid fertiliser   or see your community manager to obtain an entry form.
 light prune will have everything   garden is morning but, if you water  can help promote a healthy root
 looking perfect.  in the afternoon, allow enough   system and strong growth, while   SCAN THIS QR CODE TO ACCESS
 time for foliage to dry out before   strengthening cell walls, allowing
 T Remove any excess small   sunset. This reduces the risk of   your plants to retain water for   THE ONLINE ENTRY FORM
 fruit. By regularly thinning   mildew and other fungi attacking   longer periods of time.
 out your crop a little, you’re   leaves, and there's less chance   Entries close: Friday, 20th January 2023
 ensuring that the nutrients   you'll get caught by the evening   T Potted plants, especially
 getting spread throughout your   shift of mosquitoes or sandflies.   those in terracotta pots, can be
 crop are delivered to remaining   vulnerable to overheating. Lightly
 fruit, which will help them to   T Your garden needs more   mulch and, where possible,
 fully develop. This will prevent   than just water to get through   position them out of hot western
 undersized fruit when it comes   those hot summer days. Feeding   sunshine. Remember that
 time to harvest.  your garden with controlled   standing potted plants in saucers
 of water encourages root rot
 and mosquito breeding. Instead,
 stand them in saucers filled with
 sand, and keep the sand moist.
 This ensures roots stay cool and
 plants remain healthy.

 T It’s a misconception that
 cutting lawns low reduces the
 cutting frequency. Instead, mow
 lawns as high as your mower
 permits. Longer turf wears better,
 but most important of all, a thick
 sward suppresses pernicious
 weeds such as oxalis and bindii.

 22  |  |  DETAILS: Promotion Period: 01.12.22 to 5pm (AEDT) 20.1.23. See back cover for abridged terms and conditions.
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