Page 25 - Thyme_EAST_2023 Summer Magazine
P. 25

Life&Style  |  SUMMER 2023

                               BASIC RULES OF THE GAME

                               1. The serve must be made

                               2. Paddle contact with the ball must
                               be below the server’s waist.

                               3. There must be one bounce per

                               4. You must serve at the baseline.

                               5. Serves cannot land in the no-
                               volley zone (7ft from either side of       WHERE TO PLAY
                               the net).
                                                                          Homeowners in some of our lifestyle
                               6. If the serving team faults or misses    resorts are set to get into the action
                               the ball, they lose their serve.
                                                                          with pickleball available at:
                               7. If the receiving team faults or         D  The Anchorage Lifestyle Resort
                               misses the ball, the serving team             (opening Dec 2022)
 Picking up                    8. The first team to reach 11 points       D  Thyme Hervey Bay (coming soon)
                               scores a point.

                               (2 points ahead) wins the game.
                                                                          For more information and rules of the
                               Tournaments can go up to 15 or 21
                                                                          game visit
 Pickleball                    points.                                    rules-and-scoring

 A mix between tennis and   WHAT IS PICKLEBALL  A game usually takes between
 table tennis, Pickleball   Pickleball is a sport that can be   10 and 20 minutes, and as it is
 a low-impact activity, it is easier
 is quickly growing in   played with two or four players.   on the body. The game focuses
 popularity as a low   Opponents on either side of the   on reflexes, reactions, and the
 net hit the ball back and forth
 impact, social sport.  smart positioning of the ball.
 until one side commits an error.
 Did you know? Pickleball
 The court is the size of a   was first invented in 1965 at
 double’s badminton court, and   Bainbridge Island Washington
 the rules are simple and easy   USA by three dads whose kids
 to learn. Played with a paddle   were bored with their usual
 and a plastic ball with holes,   summertime activities.
 the game can be enjoyed by all
 ages and skill levels.

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