Page 5 - Thyme_EAST_2023 Summer Magazine
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Life&Style  |  SUMMER 2023

        to the resort. The Stray and        “But what I love most of all is     they literally lived across the road
        Sunnyboy cafes are lovely and       we’re able to walk to the beach     in Bottle Brush Crescent.
        a new Thai restaurant has just      every day and that kind of
                                                                                “We used to laugh about getting
        opened which has beautiful          convenience you can’t put a price
        food. The Bowlo and the RSL,        on!” adds Sue.                      a shopping trolley and moving
                                                                                across the road,” says Robyn.
        are great for more of a casual
        vibe and a bit of a dance.”         Robyn and John Hagan didn’t have    “A family member lives in a
                                            as far to move as the Hepples, as
 Local       Thyme                                                              the advantages of downsizing
                                                                                lifestyle community, and we saw
                                                                                and decluttering. What appealed
                                                                                to us most is being able to just
                                                                                lock up and go travelling knowing
                                                                                our home is secure and safe.
 What New Homeowners                                                            It’s been a game changer for us,
                                                                                offering us newfound freedom.
 Love About Evans Head
                                                                                “But we love being at home as
                                                                                well. We know Evans Head is a
                                                                                friendly town and here at Thyme
                                                                                Lifestyle Resort there is such a
                                                                                warm and welcoming community.
                                                                                What’s great is that we are all on
 Moving house for many can seem like too much of                                the same page in life, so it makes
 a challenge but for both Sue and John Hepple and                               connecting with others easy. We
                                                                                just love it here.”
 Robyn and John Hagan they wish they had taken the
 plunge earlier. It’s called rightsizing for a reason.

 SUE AND JOHN Hepple moved   and be part of different groups,
 from Newcastle in New South   with shared interests all while
 Wales to Thyme Evans Head and   making friends in the process. We
 have thrown themselves into   can’t wait for the Clubhouse to be
 activities and the community.  up and running as that will add
 more activities for us to enjoy.”
 “We have made so many friends,   products. There is also a divine
 Evans Head is just the most   Sue admits it took John a couple   waterfall near Clune which has
 welcoming and warm community,   of years to convince her to make   a fabulous store where you can
 and the Serenitas team have   the move, and while packing up   buy local produce. Mullumbimby
 been incredible and so supportive  the home is not easy, she regrets   also has great food and quirky
 throughout the move,” says Sue.    not doing it earlier.  stores with exquisite hand-made
 products. There really are so many
 “We joined different activities   “There is so much to do here and   towns surrounding Evans Head,
 as soon as we could. I joined   so many beautiful spots up in the
 that have so much to offer, and
 the mahjong group and aqua   Hinterlands to visit. We went for a   they are just a stone's throw away.
 aerobics, and John joined the pool  drive last weekend to Bangalow to
 club and the local Evans Head   walk around the markets, and the   “We really love Evans Head with
 Golf Club. It just feels so good to   boutique shops which showcase   its beach, beautiful waterways,
 be able to connect with people   some of Australia’s best-made   and walks, all of which are close

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