Page 6 - Thyme_EAST_2023 Summer Magazine
P. 6

Life&Style  |  SUMMER 2023
        Discovery Thyme

                                                                                                                                                                                                       division. Having participated for
                                                                                                                                                                                                       30 years, Ross is an old hand
                                                                                                                                                                                                       when it comes to training and
        Where Evans                                                                                                                                                                                    getting time in the water before
        Head Locals Eat,                                                                                                                                                                               it all kicks off.

        Drink & Socialise                                                                                                                                                                              “My main training is just getting
                                                                                                                                                                                                       out for a surf, whenever I get a
        HOTEL ILLAWONG                                                                                                                                                                                 chance,” says Ross.
        You can’t go past the inviting                                                                                                                                                                 In addition to his recent win,
        beer garden at the local favourite,                                                                                                                                                            over the years Ross has won
        Hotel Illawong. Perfect for a long                                                                                                                                                             three Australian titles and one
        lunch or sundowner they have a                                                                                                                                                                 Australian Masters title all in
        great range of craft beers on tap                                                                                                                                                              longboard surfing.
        and pub favourites served from
        the kitchen.                                                                                                                                                                                   Now in his fifties, Ross has been
                                                                                                                                                                                                       surfing since he was five years
        Address: Cnr Oak and Park Sts
        Hours: 9am till late

                                            SUNNYBOY                            THE BOWLO
                                            A buzzing new café that serves      The deck has recently undergone
                                            specialty coffee by Allpress        a facelift and now offers you the
                                            Espresso, cakes & pastries          opportunity to enjoy an Aperol
                                            hand-baked just down the road,      Spritz and woodfired pizzas
                                            Aboriginal-made products,           under the sun or stars on the
                                            Aussie-made ceramics, plants        new Sunset Deck. A gelato cart
                                            grown lovingly in the Northern      and acoustic guitarist make this                                                                                         Ross with his daughter Samara
                                            Rivers and a pantry stacked with    the perfect spot on a Friday or                                                                                          Cribb who received 3rd place in
                                            local produce. Pop in and see Ella  Saturday afternoon.                                                                                                      the open women’s division.
                                            and Bella and say G’day – you
                                            will not be disappointed.           Address: 2 Beech St
                                                                                Hours: 11am till late                                                                                                  old. His passion for the sport
                                            Address: 72 Woodburn St                                                            Surf's Up                                                               started because he lived so close
                                                                                STRAY ESPRESSO                                                                                                         to the coast.
                                            (opposite the Liberty servo)
                                            Hours: Coffee machine running       Summer is the perfect time for a                                                                                       “Back then it was the older guys
                                            from 7:30am, Tues–Sat               picnic and Stray Espresso help                                                                                         that took you under their wing,
                                                                                take the dilemma of what to pack
                                            JK THAI                             or make. Offering breakfast picnic             Evans Head Malibu Classic                                               knocked the cheekiness out
                                            A welcomed new addition to          boxes it’s your one stop shop                                                                                          of you and taught you how to
                                            the Evans Head community with       before you head down to the                                                                                            behave in the water,” says Ross.
                                            Katie and Jeff and CD serving       beach for a bite and catchup with              THYME EVANS HEAD was a              Thyme community a love of           Having moved into Thyme Evans
                                            delicious authentic Thai dishes.    friends. Stray also hosts pottery              proud sponsor at the Malibu         surfing.                            Head, Ross is looking forward
                                            We love the chicken satay           classes by appointment with                    Classic Surf Competition            The Evans Head Malibu Classic       to the relaxed atmosphere, safe
                                            skewers and the chicken red         Greta and also food vans with live             in Evans Head on the 3rd            attracts surfers of all ages        environment, great amenities,
                                            curry with rice.                    music.                                         of October. Ross Cribb, a           including men, women, and           sense of community, and most
                                                                                                                               homeowner at Thyme Evans
                                                                                                                                                                   children, and saw Ross take out     importantly, the easy quick
                                            Address: Shop 8/6 Oak St            Address: 45 Woodburn St                        Head participated in the
                                            Hours: 10am-9pm, exc Tues           Hours: 7am–1pm Tues–Sun                        competition and brings to the       second place in the over 40s        access to the beach!

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