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Life&Style | WINTER 2022
The Magic of the The Mount Ngungun summit
Glass House walking track is a 2.8 kilometre
trail that begins in open forest
with stunning 360 views of
THE GLASS House Mountains Mountains Mount Tibrogargan, Mount
Coonowrin and Mount Beerwah
from the summit. Make sure you
Walking Trails
take of coast and hinterland in
in South East Queensland is an pack your camera for the double-
awe-inspiring collection of eleven the one shot.
ranges perfect for hiking and This trail takes about two hours
offering walking tracks, ranging
in total and passes close to
from easy to very challenging. also has one of the easiest of all It’s the perfect spot for a relaxing cliff edges so wear supportive
All trails lead to breathtaking the mountain trails. A 4km circuit picnic after your walk and with
footwear and take extra care
lookouts offering panoramic views (1.5 hours) that takes you around views of Mount Beerwah in the around the summit area in wet
and the opportunity to take in the the mountain base and through distance. For those who are fit
weather, as rocks can become
beauty of nature. So lace up, pack casuarina groves and eucalypt and like a challenge, there’s very slippery.
some snacks and water and hit forests with access to toilets and the 2.6km summit route taking
the trails. Here’s some peaks not a number of picnic tables at the around three to four hours to If walking really isn’t your
to be missed: Tibrogargan trailhead. complete. thing – but you still want to see
breathtaking views then Glass
House Mountain lookout is your scribbly gum forest, down into a
Mount Tibrogargan, whilst The highest peak of all, Beerwah Mount Ngungun is one of the must-do. gully and then up to the lookout.
the summit for most is out of has a fairly breezy 200m return most popular hikes on the From here, not only will you be able
the question for anyone but walk through eucalypt forest to a Sunshine Coast, and spectacular A short walking track – around 400 to spot the famous peaks, there are
experienced hikers/climbers, it grassy viewing and day-use area. to see at sunrise and sunset. metres – takes you through open spectacular views out to Caloundra
and Maroochydore.
As part of your visit to the Glass
House Mountains make sure to
visit Thyme Moreton Bay and
take a glimpse at the lifestyle that
awaits you.
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