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Life&Style | WINTER 2022
Mother’s Day
For Mother’s Day, selected
homeowners from Serenitas
Favourites lifestyle communities across
COOKBOOK the country shared their
special recipes to create the
Family Favourites Cookbook
which was gifted to all
homeowners, families and
beyond. Joan Watts –
Golden Downs
FOOD IS AT the heart of many of our meaningful moments and
family traditions. Time and time again, it is the memories of sharing
meals with our loved ones that linger in our hearts long after the
meal is finished, and the dishes are put away. The recipes featured Joan Watts from Golden Downs delicious and surprisingly
within the cookbook is a way of sharing the special stories behind Lifestyle Village shares her easy Beans and Rice dish she
the recipes and preserving these recipe heirlooms. grandma’s famous peanut biscuit created for her granddaughter, Tony and
recipe. “I have two kids, four Bella who has anaphylaxis Annae Benstead Annie Heat –
– Anchorage RV Homebase
stepchildren, eight grandchildren risk allergies. “My beautiful
and eleven great-grandchildren, granddaughter Bella is 18 but
Marion Stock –
and whenever we catch up, is limited in what she can eat. I Moreton Bay
they always ask me to make created this meal with suitable
a batch of peanut biscuits. I ingredients I had available in the
love the whole family and my cupboard at the time. Now she
friends in the community love always asks me to make it. I love
the biscuits as making them that it is easy to make for people
always remind me of Grandma with other dietary requirements
May, her cooking and growing in as it is gluten free, dairy free,
Murwillumbah.” vegan and vegetarian.”
Marion Stock from Thyme Look out for the Family Favourites
Moreton Bay is among our Cookbook and we hope you
homeowners featured in the enjoy them as much as our
cookbook and shares her homeowners have over the years.
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