Page 5 - BMTYS - eMagazine - 3rd Edition
P. 5

Behind the Veil

        Veiling refers to the state of keeping
        a “secret.” It also means “set apart” in
        other words.                               Rev. Bibins Mathews Omanaly

        In the Mar Thoma Church, the Holy Communion is based on the
        principle of Mystery. We, humans are exceptionally blessed by God but
        are very finite intellectually and emotionally. We are unable to grasp or
        understand the great mystery of God’s Salvation Plan in every sense.
        It is not human ability to reveal the divine mystery, God’s Holy Spirit
        guides us into all truth and empowers us to bear witness to the risen
        Every worship invites us to set our hearts, minds and thoughts to be
        on God. We await for the divine counsel God reveals in the worshiping

        In worship the curtain is a veil, and the covering of the bread and wine
        (Kabalana) and Sossappa are used in the sense of cover. The veil is not
        used as a symbol of hiding things from the worshippers.  It signifies
        the glory of God to be revealed and the will of God to be revealed
        in the life experiences of worshippers.  We understand that the veil
        covering the elements represent the glory of God yet to be revealed in
        us and that the most holy place, Madbaha, is the storehouse of divine

          Bahrain Mar Thoma                                                 5
          Yuvajana Sakhyam
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