Page 7 - BMTYS - eMagazine - 3rd Edition
P. 7

to veil ourselves from him. Only when we can love God unconditionally
        we will be able to have a relationship with God.
        The Old Testament talks about people like Abraham, Moses, and Enoch
        who conversed with God as they would to a person. It was possible
        because God lowered himself from his majesty to interact with humans.
        This clearly shows his love for human beings.
        When God gave the 10 Commandments, he says “Do not bow down to
        any idol or worship it, because I am the LORD your God and I tolerate
        no rivals.  I bring  punishment  on those who  hate  me and on their
        descendants down to the third and fourth generation. But I show my
        love to thousands of generations of those who love me and obey my
        laws.” (Exodus 20:5-6). God plainly says that he cannot tolerate any
        rivals to his affection and that he will show his love to those who love
        The fundamental difference between the Old Testament and the New
        Testament is that in the latter God choose to become man. In the Old
        Testament God had lowered himself several times to deal with humans.
        However in the New Testament when he humbles himself drastically to
        become a human being. In other words, the Creator chooses to lower
        himself to the level of his creations. He does this to understand what
        it means to become a human being. God discovers a way to interact
        without anyone fearing him.
        The term kenosis refers to the doctrine of Christ’s “self-emptying” in
        His incarnation. This is the ultimate humiliation God took up for the
        sake of humanity. Along with this humiliation, it also meant God was
        free. Jesus could express anger and sorrow without shaking the earth.
        He could talk to anyone without having to first say “Fear Not.”
        God in human form tells us what he desires from us “Love the Lord
        your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind.”
        (Mathew22:37). Jesus gave up his life with his free will so that we may
        be saved. Let us submit our hearts to the Lord so that we may be able
        to remove the veil of indifference and anger and simply allow ourselves
        to love God without any inhibitions.

          Bahrain Mar Thoma                                                 7
          Yuvajana Sakhyam
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