Page 11 - BMTYS - eMagazine - 3rd Edition
P. 11

by what was written in the books, according to what they had done.”
        This  verse  highlights  the  connection  between  the  resurrection  and
        the subsequent judgment. The resurrection allows all individuals, both
        small and great, to be held accountable for their actions and receive
        their eternal destinies based on their deeds. It signifies that the final
        judgment takes place after the resurrection, where every person will
        face the righteous judgment of God. To repent and avoid accumulating
        wrath, one must acknowledge and confess their sins, genuinely regret
        them, seek God’s forgiveness, turn away from sin, embrace His grace,
        and pursue a transformed life through prayer, studying His Word, and
        acts of love and service. Repentance involves a sincere change of
        heart and a commitment to follow God’s ways, relying on His strength
        and mercy for transformation and forgiveness. The Throne of God
        represents His supreme authority and role as the righteous judge. The
        Throne signifies His unwavering sovereignty and serves as a powerful
        symbol of His justice and righteousness.
        Romans 2:5-6: “But because of your hard and impenitent heart you are
        storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath when God’s righteous
        judgment will be revealed. He will render to each one according to his
        works.” This verse from the book of Romans highlights the impending
        judgment of God. It emphasizes that those who persist in unrepentant
        hearts are accumulating wrath for themselves. The day of judgment
        is described as a time when God’s righteous judgment will be
        revealed, and each person will be rendered according to their works. It
        underscores the accountability we have for our actions and reminds us
        of the righteous judgment that awaits all individuals before God.

          Bahrain Mar Thoma                                                 11
          Yuvajana Sakhyam
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