Page 12 - BMTYS - eMagazine - 3rd Edition
P. 12

Beyond the Veil

        A  Veil  can  be  described  as  a  piece  of  fine
        material that can be used as a covering.
        Covering can refer multiple things like to hide   Hannah Rachel Abraham
                                                             Roll No. 44
        something or to protect something that is
        precious. In the Eden Garden, when Adam and Eve disobeyed God by
        eating the fruit of wisdom, they covered themselves from being naked
        using fig leaves (Genesis 3:7). This was the very first mention of veil in
        the Bible. From the Eden Garden till the resurrection of Christ, a veil
        holds a significant role in the Bible and Christian life.
        1. Stone
          “Early  on  the  first  day  of  the  week,  while  it  was  still  dark,  Mary
        Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone  had been
        removed from the entrance.”  (St. John 20: 1)
         “You have broken faith, he said. Roll a large stone over here at once”.
        (1 Samuel 14:33)
        “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at
        her”. (St. John 8: 7)
        In St. John 8, a woman who committed adultery was brought before
        Jesus to be punished where the stone is mentioned as a symbol of
        punishment. In St. John 20, stone is used to protect the tomb from
        trespassers. From the above verses, we can conclude that stone is
        something that represent “sin”. Human’s life in this world is filled with
        stones (veil) that keep us away from Christ. These stones are satanic
        expressions that can make us unworthy to stand in the presence of
        God. But Christ died on the cross for our sins and his resurrection from
        the closed tomb by rolling off the stone made us worthy for an eternal
        life with the Lord.
        “They were on their way to the tomb and they asked each other, Who
        will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb? But when they
        looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been
        rolled away” (St. Mark 16: 3-4)
        The stone (veil) was big enough to be rolled over by human effort
        which means that our sins are too heavy to be wiped off but our
        Saviour is strong enough to overcome our heaviest veil through his
        blood that was shed on the cross.

         12                                                       Bahrain Mar Thoma
                                                                  Yuvajana Sakhyam
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