Page 2 - OASC January 2021 Newsletter 2
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OST MYedge
Jan. 6/21 Guest Speaker............ 2 OASC Dec. 2/20 Minutes............ 3
What OASC Membership
Means to You............................... 5
Managing Ostomy Accidents ... 6 Potential Problems and
how to Avoid Them..................... 9 Definitions of an Ostomy .......... 13
How to Correctly
Cut a Flange.............................. 13
Stay Informed .............................14 Adapting to Life
after an Ostomy ........................ 15 Do You Have a Nurse?...............19 Ostomy Supplier Contacts ........19 Everyone You Meet....................20
Ostomy Association Simcoe County
Go Anywhere. Do Anything.
Be sure to meet on Zoom on Wednesday, January 6/21 at 7pm
Guest Speaker:
Stealth Belt Vice president Collin Jarvis
Stealth Belt is committed to providing quality products and service to everyone who has an ostomy.
Collin is its leading spokesperson within the ostomy community for good reason. He’s been such a satisfied customer since his own
ileostomy in 2014 that he joined the company!
Last year, this former track star turned marathoner finished third overall in the 2019 Edmonton Marathon, dashing his doctors’ much dimmer prognosis. If Collin can talk Guinness World Records into making it a category, his amazing 2:27:30 minute finish could well be the fastest marathon run by an ostomate.
Come learn more about Stealth Belt from this inspirational leader all the way from California.
Next meetiNg: Wed JaN. 6, 2021. 7pm -
This newsletter is for informational and educational purposes only. Nothing contained herein should be considered medi- cal advice and may not be applicable to everyone. Medical advice can only be provided by an individual’s personal doctor or medical professional. Please consult your own doctor or NSWOC nurse for the medical advice that is best for you.
No Professional Advice – the content of articles and other projects is for informational purposes only and does not consti- tute professional advice.

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