Page 3 - OASC January 2021 Newsletter 2
P. 3

Guest Speaker:
Dianne Colton, at 46 Meadow Lane, Wasaga Beach ON
L9Z 0A3
Enterostomal nurse Jenn Brewer took questions from members
1. What do I need to wear to go swimming?
a. 1-piece bathing suit is enough but if you want more support, can wear a Stealth Belt
2. How to manage phantom smell using bag with a liner, no leakage problem?
a. Can try Hollister M9 odor eliminator drops, a product with a lube deodorant; or
b. Try to thicken stool by altering diet, e.g., with white diet (white bread, rice, noodles, etc.)
or bananas or peanut butter (not foolproof).
3. How to treat raw skin under flange?
a. depends on type of flange, whether it’s seramide flange or other. Most flanges contain
hydrocolloids (moisture-retentive dressing containing gel-forming agents which should help
heal it. Use stoma powder, or
b. Try to thicken stool by altering diet, e.g., with white diet (white bread, rice, noodles, etc.)
or bananas or peanut butter (not foolproof).
c. Change appliance more often? Yes, if skin feeling burning or irritated.
cont’d on page 4...
Minutes of the Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2020 Monthly Members’ Meeting...
meeting started: 7:00 p.m.
• 21 members, 2 supplier representatives
• Chair: Maureen (Mo) Parkes, President, OASC
• Guest speaker: Jenn Brewer RN BScN CETN(C), based at Collingwood General & Marine Hospital.
Order of business:
Mo called meeting to order at 7pm. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.
1. Outlined best practices for participation.
2. Let the group know that we will be meeting monthly on Zoom, with no winter break, so next meeting is Wed. Jan. 6, 2021, at 7pm.
3. Membership renewal reminder. You can pay by CHEQUE payable to
Ostomy Association Simcoe County and mail it to our Treasurer,

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