Page 14 - Three Teaching Tools to Improve Teaching and Learning (Final version) - You Wu & Chaoyu Liu
P. 14
Collaborate easily
Maps saved to MindMup Cloud support concurrent editing for teams
and classrooms, enabling you to instantly see updates made to your
map by other users.
Attach documents
Add longer text, videos and spreadsheets to your maps. MindMup for
Google Drive also allows you to link to other project documents on
Google Drive easily.
Some users’ comm
Critically examine
the costs Forever Free
°Unlimited number of maps.
and affordances of °No account/login required.
°Save maps up to 100 KB to Min
storage, for up to six months.
tools and apps °Save larger maps to Google Dr
°Export maps up to 100 KB.
°Publish maps for up to six mon
°Community chat help and sup