Page 18 - Three Teaching Tools to Improve Teaching and Learning (Final version) - You Wu & Chaoyu Liu
P. 18


                    1.Library: Educators share topics with students.
                    2.Video: This is where students get to create their own videos and share w

                    videos and reminders for stu-dents to stay safe in school especially durin

                    3.Privacy features: Flipgrid is safe for students to use because teacher


                    4.Camera option: This allows students to capture widescreen videos a
                    5.Any platform access: This feature allows students to share their vide

         WHAT IS FLIPGRID USED FOR?                                                      SOME OTHER FLIPG

      Here  are  some  examples  on  how                                °Flipgrid Grids: A “Grid” is the ter

      Flipgrid  has been used in the classroom:                         to describe a group of learners. In t
      1. Maths: get stu-dents to scribble how                           be the class or a small group. This

      they came up to a solution to a problem.                          Flip Code that is then used to share

      2. Language: get students to com-                                 that group.
      municate with students in a different                             °Flipgrid  Topic  Guests:  Want

      country.                                                          Topics? It is possible to use Topic

                                                                        others to input. This is ideal if you w
      3. Pre-writing:  get  students  to  write  their
      writing ideas. They can talk through the                          ple. Equally, this is a powerful option

      ideas. Teachers then can provide                                  the process, since this is online and
      feedback on their idea. This is also a                            °Flipgrid Shorts: This video too

      good way to keep students keep track of                           create their videos for a custom fin
      their thought processes.                                          YouTube clip. Users can upload and

      4. Science: get students to ask questions                         segment as well as enhance with em

      directly from experts through the Guest                           to a graph image as you talk over th
      Speaker feature.                                                  as a great way to get in-depth infor

                                                                        a really simple-to-use video editing

                                                                        result, depending on how creative y
                                                                        °Flipgrid Video Moderation: O

                                                                        content submitted by students is to

                                                                        on when you post a new Topic. In do
                                                                        be posted until you have checked a

                                                                        when starting out, but once trust ha

                                                                        good to have this setting off to save
                                                                        students can also enjoy more freed

                                                                        can always select individual videos
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