Page 9 - Bahasa Inggris Kelas VI
P. 9
Materi Utama
Listen, read and repeat.
Rama : I’m Rama.
How do you do?
Linda : How do you do? Listen, read and repeat
I’m Linda. Kegiatan mendengarkan, membaca,
Rama : Where do you live, Linda?
Linda : I live in Jalan Diponegoro 15. dan mengulangi ucapan guru sesuai
Where do you live? dengan materi yang diajarkan.
Rama : I live in Jalan Kartini 9.
Do you have a phone number?
Linda : Yes, I do. It is 767889.
Rama : My phone number is 765423.
Linda : By the way, what is your hobby?
Rama : My hobby is doing sport.
And you? What do you like?
Draw lines to match.
Draw lines to match a doctor
Kegiatan menjodohkan kata
dengan gambar, kata dengan
kata, gambar dengan gambar, a pianist
dan sebagainya.
a pilot
Read aloud the text and answer the questions.
Read aloud the text and answer
Bondan's Schedule the questions
I have a schedule for a week. On Monday I learn the dialogues. Kegiatan membaca teks dan
On Tuesday I read texts. I learn Maths on Wednesday. On Thursday I menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan
learn science. On Friday I play game and do sports. On Saturday I sing
English songs and Sunday is the holiday. tentang pemahaman teks.
Kelengkapan Buku vii