Page 170 - Mobile Magic
P. 170
'We want an original and eye-catching design,' declared Saffron as she and Charles sat down together to work on the poster. Nothing they tried looked any good.
'Oh, I give up,' said Charles.
'How about we cheat a bit and scan the designs from one of
the Green Mountain tee-shirts. There's no way we could think of anything cooler than that.' Saffron suggested. They put text with it and printed a hundred of them out on vivid, fluoro paper.
‘Well, no one’s going to miss seeing them, that’s a cert. How are we going to get all this lot hung ‘round town by tomorrow?’ asked Charles.
‘Don’t ask me! It was your idea to print so many - way more than we need,’ she snapped.
‘By the way, grumpy-guts, that dork with the tatts who tried to stab me ...’
‘You mean the one I rescued you from.’
‘Yes, that one; some of the kids at my school recognised him, they say he’s a dealer, and if idiots get hooked then can’t pay, he’ll take the stuff they lift instead.’
‘Sounds like a nasty piece of work. I’m sorry I broke his arm, but it sounds like he deserved it.’
‘That’s a freakin’ understatement! The dirty mongrel almost