Page 7 - Mobile Magic
P. 7
After lunch, Saffron's class had double art. Mr Worragul, their teacher, was super cool. He never seemed to mind what sort of art his students did. ‘I just want to see you all being constructive!’ was what he always said.
Their class was supposed to be painting landscapes but Abigail had an idea. Abby was riddled with bright ideas. She was tiny for her age and her neat, straight, dark hair was the opposite of Saffron’s pale, feral tangle. Her cheesy grin seemed the largest thing about her, it was good for brightening up a gloomy day.
‘Why don’t we paint some banners
to save Green Mountain?’ she
suggested. ‘We can paint trees or grass on
them and then they really will be landscapes.’
So they spent the afternoon painting banners with slogans like Save our Forest, Stop Suburban Sprawl and Keep Green Mountain Green.
Mr Worragul suggested Who is paying the Council?