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Mail & Document
                   Management Services

                           ...A Partnership for the Millennium

  Congratulations E Awards

On behalf of the entire MEI Mail & Document Management
Services team, we are excited to be a part of the prestigious E
Awards Gala, where it’s all about excellence.

At MEI, we understand excellence. Since our inception in 1993,
our highly skilled professionals have had a total commitment to
excellence. It is the key ingredient to our innovative approach
to mail services and document management outsourcing. It has
allowed us to grow and build our company and expand our reach to locations around
the country.

We are especially delighted to partner with one of our long-time customers and
partners, Raytheon, to help sponsor this amazing event. They, like the companies and
individuals we are honoring tonight, understand the importance of weaving minority
businesses like MEI into the fabric of their business operations. Our success story is
not unlike those of other successful entrepreneurs and corporations being honored
here tonight. When given an opportunity to perform, minority-owned businesses can
and do provide innovative, cost-effective solutions that make all businesses better.
Plus, we provide jobs and opportunities within our communities to expand and grow.

The work of the Dallas/Fort Worth Minority Supplier Development Council, its Board
of Directors, the supplier diversity professionals, corporations, public sector agencies
and Council staff is important and needed. We salute all the nominees and
congratulate the winners! But, we also thank and salute D/FW MSDC for making this
wonderful event and recognition possible. Their advocacy and recognition helps
highlight the real impact businesses like MEI have on our economy and our clients.

Let us celebrate and honor the nominees and winners. And, let us celebrate each
other and our commitment to minority business growth and opportunities. Thank you
for the opportunity to sponsor and participate in this year’s E Awards Gala. Have a
wonderful night!


Leslie E. Marshall

Leslie E. Marshall
CEO & President

 1400 S. Sherman St., Bldg. 2, Ste. 202 | Richardson, TX 75081 | 972-664-3190
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