Page 30 - 2021 Reflections on Bloemfontein Sports
P. 30

                Ar ticles

      -   What to expect doing your
          fir st OCR.                                                 By Jürgen Smith

                                                Not a new concept to                 We found that this activity
                                                Bloemfontein, hosted at Be           harbored another dynamic for
                                                Human Middelwater farm, Be           beginners. Since navigating the
                                                Active continued to host             obstacles, dopamine floods the
                                                adventurous Obstacle Course          body after completing every
                                                Races (OCR). Being part of a         obstacle, not only after finishing
                                                community that focuses on            the race -increasing the
                                                functional fitness proved their      duration of smiles on athletes'
                                                advantage in this sport.             faces.

              OCR Page

            bfnspor tr esults/OCR
   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35